AUGH, I thought with the instability of the government, this garbage over natural health products would end, but nope....
Apparently, the bill has been renamed to "Bill C-6" and has got the same purpose, to make selling natural health products illegal.
Seriously, this is CRAP. Who in their right mind would want to stuff processed drugs into people's systems that will only make them sicker, over the natural supplements that are actually beneficial to the body?
I mean, Health Canada is SUPPOSED to care about helping people and instead, all they care about is what money they lose when people opt to go for the natural way of improving their health.
This comes from an official site:
"Bill C-6, also known as the Canada Consumer Product Safety Act (CCPSA), is proposed legislation that will help keep Canadian families safe from dangerous consumer products.
Bill C-6 was introduced by the Government of Canada on January 29, 2009. The proposed Canada Consumer Product Safety Act would replace Part I of the Hazardous Products Act and introduce a new regulatory regime. The purpose is to modernize and strengthen product safety laws by overhauling existing rules to further protect the health and safety of Canadians. It will continue to introduce necessary, concrete measures to make consumer products safer for Canadians and their children by prohibiting the manufacture and importation of unsafe products. Additionally, it will give the government the power to order recalls of unsafe products."
I understand the worry over lead in toys...but referring to natural health products as hazardous is going too FAR.
It is natural that those products would be included in the definition of hazardous, as this bill was originally named Bill C-51, and only the government's inability to productive operate internally, which they still have issues with, stopped the bill from being made into concrete law.
I was reading over the bill and it is very ridiculous. I mean, they are talking about outlawing the things that are best for our bodies!
(you can find the bill in PDF format at
"It creates prohibitions with respect to the manufacturing, importing, selling, advertising, packaging and labelling of consumer products, including those that are a danger to human health or safety. In addition, it establishes certain measures that will make it easier to identify whether a consumer product is a danger to human health or safety and, if so, to more effectively prevent or address the danger. It also creates application and enforcement mechanisms."
So, what this is saying is that Vitamin-C and herbal remedies are dangerous?!
I have never heard such a ridiculous statement in all my life! What is truly dangerous is that processed crap that doctors prescribe to "help" people get over ailments that costs them money that they don't have, thanks to the poor job market and economy issues that we face today!
Natural health products work better and cause less suffering to people who can't improve their health any further, and they are helping those that can IMMENSELY.
Isn't the Hippocratic Oath "Do no harm?" If doctors truly swore by that oath, they would be trying to help their patients save both money and their health at the same time...
By outlawing the natural supplements, the government is basically saying "We are taking this option away from you, we don't CARE about whether you suffer in health or loss of money, get your chemically processed medicines from wherever WE TELL YOU TO."
Hmm....that sounds like borderline dictatorship to me, I thought this was a democracy....I don't know WHAT the government is anymore...
By prescribing this crap that nobody can afford, doctors are NOT helping patients improve their health, they are basically saying that they don't care if the medication is too expensive, it's the only option they've got...
It doesn't have to be this way, but time is running out to make your protests known about this. says that the bill has ALREADY gone through the House of Commons and is on the verge of the Second Reading by the Senate, so if you have protests, ACT NOW!
Voice your protests now or forever hold your peace and watch as the government takes away the safe option to overall human healing....
If you are a lover and relier upon natural supplements and want to join the protest agains the government, or would like more information so that you can form your own opinion, visit:
Don't stay neutral in this matter if you use natural health products to help yourselves or others heal in anyway....Silence leads to tyrrany.
Speak up, let your voice be heard.
Save natural products, keep them from being made illegal....
Monday, August 17, 2009
Racial Discrimination at Swimming Facility - originally written on July 9,2009
I was sitting at my computer this morning and looking at the news on like I do every day. However, today I read something that reminded me that we are physically in the future, but trapped in the past of fears and indifferences that are more of a societal division than anything.
The headline read:
"Swim club accused of racial discrimination against kids"
That kind of thing would naturally pique my interest, so I clicked on the article to read it and I found that the headline is a misnomer. It SHOULD read:
"Swim Club Guilty of Racial Discrimination Against Kids."
I'll sum up the article in a pinch: (this is from
"The Creative Steps Day Care children -- ages kindergarten through seventh grade -- went to the Valley Swim Club in Huntingdon Valley, Pennsylvania, on June 29.
The day center's director, Alethea Wright, had contracted to use the club once a week. During their first visit, some children said they heard club members asking why African-American children were there.
One of the boys told the Philadelphia Inquirer that a woman at the club said she feared the children "might do something" to her child.
Days later, the day care center's $1,950 check was returned without explanation, Wright said."
Last time I checked, it was 2009, not the 1970's, when the racism in the world and slavery were at an all-time high and widely acceptable.
I don't know why people are so afraid and so full of hate for black people.
They are wonderful and the key word is not their color, the key word is PEOPLE. People are all alike, just made differently and that is not a bad thing.
My guess would be ignorance about how that kind of treatment is inappropriate and the persecuters have no idea how discrimination hurts others.
From what I read, the swim club was not only guilty of racial discrimination, but also of breaking a contract without a clear, valid reason.
There was an agreement made and because some people expressed fear of harm being caused by the "black folk", a spontaneous decision was made and innocent people were stripped of their freedom to enjoy swimming in a pool.
If there is a question of it being racism, this statement confirms it:
"But Duesler told two Philadelphia television stations that the children had changed "the complexion" and "atmosphere" of the club."
Racism back in the past included persecuting black people because the whites felt that they were a pollution to their clean society and that's why the majority of blacks were made slaves when they came to the New World, is because people thought they were a pollution that needed to be contained.
It is amazing that even now, with a black President of the U.S., that people are still as racist as ever and some are even worse in prejudices than in the past. It feels like history is going backwards.
I know there was fear, skepticism, and even some horrific disgust when Barack Obama was elected President of the U.S....I don't know why there are such feelings towards fellow men, we are all HUMAN..all the same.
If correct decisions are made and attitudes stay positive, it could be a good thing.
People NEED to unite and show support so that President Obama will feel motivated enough to integrate some real improvements into the U.S.
I know that God had a hand in this election and maybe He decided that now was the time for the U.S., which was scarred by the decisions made by George W. Bush, to take steps in the right direction and work towards healing...
Healing begins when people, regardless of race, ethnicity, or background, realize that they cannot improve without help or positive support and they turn to others for assistance.
This choice can cause a chain reaction which could positively effect countless individuals, which could unite a nation and lead them to desire progression.
Now is the time for America to unite and heal. Now is the time to move forward.
Who better to direct the winds of change than a man who understands and empathizes with persecution, prejudice, and the common struggle for a better quality of life?
Scars of the past may still remain, but those scars can be taken and remembered as the USA moves forward in the journey of healing, united as ONE country.
This is the PERFECT time for race to be disregarded and look at one another as people, all striving on common ground in order to improve ourselves and others.
It was once thought that allowing indifference to rule society would carry a nation to success.....
That is a LIE, indifference only creates hardship, poverty, hate, and if let gone far enough, killings and war....
I mean look at what happened to people like Medgar Evers, Rosa Parks, and Martin Luther King Jr. when they stood up and attempted to seek equality for ALL human beings....they paid dearly for their actions, a few with little, but others paid with their lives...
Even Jesus Christ, in His time, sought to bring eternal equality and peace to all on the Earth....In the end, He willingly gave His life for that cause..
Anyway, today it should NOT have to be like that.
Show uncondtional love and care to ALL around you, we are ALL human.
The first great commandment is love the Lord thy God with all they might, heart and strength.
The second great commandment is to love thy neighbor as you love yourself.
Do we follow these, or are we even fooling ourselves on that?
How can WE improve ourselves and help the world attitude change?
The headline read:
"Swim club accused of racial discrimination against kids"
That kind of thing would naturally pique my interest, so I clicked on the article to read it and I found that the headline is a misnomer. It SHOULD read:
"Swim Club Guilty of Racial Discrimination Against Kids."
I'll sum up the article in a pinch: (this is from
"The Creative Steps Day Care children -- ages kindergarten through seventh grade -- went to the Valley Swim Club in Huntingdon Valley, Pennsylvania, on June 29.
The day center's director, Alethea Wright, had contracted to use the club once a week. During their first visit, some children said they heard club members asking why African-American children were there.
One of the boys told the Philadelphia Inquirer that a woman at the club said she feared the children "might do something" to her child.
Days later, the day care center's $1,950 check was returned without explanation, Wright said."
Last time I checked, it was 2009, not the 1970's, when the racism in the world and slavery were at an all-time high and widely acceptable.
I don't know why people are so afraid and so full of hate for black people.
They are wonderful and the key word is not their color, the key word is PEOPLE. People are all alike, just made differently and that is not a bad thing.
My guess would be ignorance about how that kind of treatment is inappropriate and the persecuters have no idea how discrimination hurts others.
From what I read, the swim club was not only guilty of racial discrimination, but also of breaking a contract without a clear, valid reason.
There was an agreement made and because some people expressed fear of harm being caused by the "black folk", a spontaneous decision was made and innocent people were stripped of their freedom to enjoy swimming in a pool.
If there is a question of it being racism, this statement confirms it:
"But Duesler told two Philadelphia television stations that the children had changed "the complexion" and "atmosphere" of the club."
Racism back in the past included persecuting black people because the whites felt that they were a pollution to their clean society and that's why the majority of blacks were made slaves when they came to the New World, is because people thought they were a pollution that needed to be contained.
It is amazing that even now, with a black President of the U.S., that people are still as racist as ever and some are even worse in prejudices than in the past. It feels like history is going backwards.
I know there was fear, skepticism, and even some horrific disgust when Barack Obama was elected President of the U.S....I don't know why there are such feelings towards fellow men, we are all HUMAN..all the same.
If correct decisions are made and attitudes stay positive, it could be a good thing.
People NEED to unite and show support so that President Obama will feel motivated enough to integrate some real improvements into the U.S.
I know that God had a hand in this election and maybe He decided that now was the time for the U.S., which was scarred by the decisions made by George W. Bush, to take steps in the right direction and work towards healing...
Healing begins when people, regardless of race, ethnicity, or background, realize that they cannot improve without help or positive support and they turn to others for assistance.
This choice can cause a chain reaction which could positively effect countless individuals, which could unite a nation and lead them to desire progression.
Now is the time for America to unite and heal. Now is the time to move forward.
Who better to direct the winds of change than a man who understands and empathizes with persecution, prejudice, and the common struggle for a better quality of life?
Scars of the past may still remain, but those scars can be taken and remembered as the USA moves forward in the journey of healing, united as ONE country.
This is the PERFECT time for race to be disregarded and look at one another as people, all striving on common ground in order to improve ourselves and others.
It was once thought that allowing indifference to rule society would carry a nation to success.....
That is a LIE, indifference only creates hardship, poverty, hate, and if let gone far enough, killings and war....
I mean look at what happened to people like Medgar Evers, Rosa Parks, and Martin Luther King Jr. when they stood up and attempted to seek equality for ALL human beings....they paid dearly for their actions, a few with little, but others paid with their lives...
Even Jesus Christ, in His time, sought to bring eternal equality and peace to all on the Earth....In the end, He willingly gave His life for that cause..
Anyway, today it should NOT have to be like that.
Show uncondtional love and care to ALL around you, we are ALL human.
The first great commandment is love the Lord thy God with all they might, heart and strength.
The second great commandment is to love thy neighbor as you love yourself.
Do we follow these, or are we even fooling ourselves on that?
How can WE improve ourselves and help the world attitude change?
Bill C-51, a Fight of the Past that May Come back to Haunt the Future - originally written on May 25,2008
Natural health products are now an endangered species in danger of becoming extinct.
The Canadian goverment are a bunch of hypocrites. They are attempting to pass Bill C-51, which deals with outlawing all natural health products in favor of expensive, painful drug and medical treatments that can sometimes do more harm than good for people.
Bill C-51 is unconstitutional and MUST be stopped. The second reading of the bill, which was scheduled to happen on April 28, was postponed because of public unity and outcries of protest.
Following the first protest rally on May 8 in Lethbridge, Rick Casson, the MP for the Lethbridge Constituency, released a written statement, in conjunction with the federal government, in response.
The statement accused citizens of not only misunderstanding the government's intentions, but also of having inaccurate information about the bill.
On May 9, there was another protest rally in Calgary, right in front of the Federal Courthouse of Canada, which was attended by hundreds of people all over Southern Alberta. Rallies are continuing all across Canada, so it is best to get involved quickly.
Following the rally, there was a hearing between Truehope and Health Canada. The points to be discussed at the trial were outlined and cemented at the hearing. The date of said hearing is currently unknown.
Truehope is a company in Raymond which sells a natural health care product called "Empowerplus", which is manufactured in Utah. Empowerplus is used to effectively treat severe mental illnesses, such as bipolar disorder.
The hearing was the first step in Truehope's action of seeking an injunction against Health Canada to stop further seizures of their products at the border.
Back on July 15, 2003, the RCMP and Health Canada conducted a raid on the Raymond location. Prior to the raid, Truehope had been receiving orders to cease and desist from selling a drug.
If this bill were made into law, people who suffer from severe mental illnesses would probably be forced on medicinal alternatives, be institutionalized, or commit suicide.
Natural products, such as Empowerplus, allow people to lead normal lives. If that were taken away, lives would suffer and likely disappear.
Even something as simple as vitamins would be illegal and people would not be as healthy.
The government, by way of Mr. Casson, kindly suggests that people should re-read the contents of the bill for a more accurate understanding of their intentions with Bill C-51.
There is NO time to sit around and listen to the government and their lapdog MP's justify breaking the Constitution!
By the time people really decide to take a firm stand for freedom and personal liberties, it will be too late and the bill will be law.
Constitutional freedom to heal ourselves and others with natural solutions instead of relying on medicine is in danger of being ripped away by the totalitarian methods of the government and the greed of companies who produce medicinal solutions.
Now is the time to act to preserve out liberty and freedoms to naturally mantain our health.
To learn more about the bill and what people risk losing if it's made into law, go to and learn what you can to try and help stop a terrible mistake from happening.
If the government manages to get Bill C-51 passed into law, what other unconstitutional acts will they try and commit next?
The Constitution of Canada is beginning to be destroyed, piece by piece, by the government who created it…
Where will it end?
The Canadian goverment are a bunch of hypocrites. They are attempting to pass Bill C-51, which deals with outlawing all natural health products in favor of expensive, painful drug and medical treatments that can sometimes do more harm than good for people.
Bill C-51 is unconstitutional and MUST be stopped. The second reading of the bill, which was scheduled to happen on April 28, was postponed because of public unity and outcries of protest.
Following the first protest rally on May 8 in Lethbridge, Rick Casson, the MP for the Lethbridge Constituency, released a written statement, in conjunction with the federal government, in response.
The statement accused citizens of not only misunderstanding the government's intentions, but also of having inaccurate information about the bill.
On May 9, there was another protest rally in Calgary, right in front of the Federal Courthouse of Canada, which was attended by hundreds of people all over Southern Alberta. Rallies are continuing all across Canada, so it is best to get involved quickly.
Following the rally, there was a hearing between Truehope and Health Canada. The points to be discussed at the trial were outlined and cemented at the hearing. The date of said hearing is currently unknown.
Truehope is a company in Raymond which sells a natural health care product called "Empowerplus", which is manufactured in Utah. Empowerplus is used to effectively treat severe mental illnesses, such as bipolar disorder.
The hearing was the first step in Truehope's action of seeking an injunction against Health Canada to stop further seizures of their products at the border.
Back on July 15, 2003, the RCMP and Health Canada conducted a raid on the Raymond location. Prior to the raid, Truehope had been receiving orders to cease and desist from selling a drug.
If this bill were made into law, people who suffer from severe mental illnesses would probably be forced on medicinal alternatives, be institutionalized, or commit suicide.
Natural products, such as Empowerplus, allow people to lead normal lives. If that were taken away, lives would suffer and likely disappear.
Even something as simple as vitamins would be illegal and people would not be as healthy.
The government, by way of Mr. Casson, kindly suggests that people should re-read the contents of the bill for a more accurate understanding of their intentions with Bill C-51.
There is NO time to sit around and listen to the government and their lapdog MP's justify breaking the Constitution!
By the time people really decide to take a firm stand for freedom and personal liberties, it will be too late and the bill will be law.
Constitutional freedom to heal ourselves and others with natural solutions instead of relying on medicine is in danger of being ripped away by the totalitarian methods of the government and the greed of companies who produce medicinal solutions.
Now is the time to act to preserve out liberty and freedoms to naturally mantain our health.
To learn more about the bill and what people risk losing if it's made into law, go to and learn what you can to try and help stop a terrible mistake from happening.
If the government manages to get Bill C-51 passed into law, what other unconstitutional acts will they try and commit next?
The Constitution of Canada is beginning to be destroyed, piece by piece, by the government who created it…
Where will it end?
Thoughts back when Dog Chapman was in trouble for racially slurring and it getting caught on tape....- Originally written on November 1,2007
On IMDB, there's a discussion comparing Don Imus and Dog Chapman....People are whining that Imus got fired for use of racial slurs and Dog didn't...
There's a difference....This is why Dog should be forgiven and the media should quit harassing him about this whole incident...
Imus was using racial slurs on the radio, a PUBLIC broadcasting network.
If you say crap like that on the radio or TV, you should be in trouble. TV, radio, and other PUBLIC broadcasting resources are supposed to be objectionable, yes, but they are public nonetheless and people should be careful what they say or do while in public...
Dog used the slurs in a PRIVATE telephone conversation that should have never been taped and released to the media.
Taping someone's private conversations and distributing them without permission is ILLEGAL. Whoever taped the conversation and gave it out should be ARRESTED or FINED for invading Dog's right to privacy.....This whole fiasco is just because Dog is so well known.
Besides, nobody is perfect. Everyone has little slips of the tongue now and then. If people are crucified and eternally condemned for minor slips by others who are imperfect, this won't be a very nice society to live in.
Dog has apologized and is trying to redeem himself, which is what more people should, but don't do.
Don't crucify him unless you are willing to crucify yourselves for your own mistakes and imperfections...
There's a difference....This is why Dog should be forgiven and the media should quit harassing him about this whole incident...
Imus was using racial slurs on the radio, a PUBLIC broadcasting network.
If you say crap like that on the radio or TV, you should be in trouble. TV, radio, and other PUBLIC broadcasting resources are supposed to be objectionable, yes, but they are public nonetheless and people should be careful what they say or do while in public...
Dog used the slurs in a PRIVATE telephone conversation that should have never been taped and released to the media.
Taping someone's private conversations and distributing them without permission is ILLEGAL. Whoever taped the conversation and gave it out should be ARRESTED or FINED for invading Dog's right to privacy.....This whole fiasco is just because Dog is so well known.
Besides, nobody is perfect. Everyone has little slips of the tongue now and then. If people are crucified and eternally condemned for minor slips by others who are imperfect, this won't be a very nice society to live in.
Dog has apologized and is trying to redeem himself, which is what more people should, but don't do.
Don't crucify him unless you are willing to crucify yourselves for your own mistakes and imperfections...
History can't be ignored - originally written on November 3,2006
I just watched a documentary called "The Falling Man" in my Editing class as part of the Ethics unit. There was, and probably still is, controversy about a photo, which was taken by Richard Drew, of someone(supposedly identifed as Jonathan Briley) falling to their death from somewhere on the highest part of the North Tower during the terror and chaos of 9/11.
In the documentary, when a member of the media wanted to identify the people who jumped or fell from the towers, depending on how you look at it, went to the coroners and asked, the coroner told him that "nobody jumped. They were blown out."
I think that it's rather sad that America and the rest of the world choose to ignore the bad parts of history and censored those images after their original publication. Look at wars and the Holocaust, they are still discussed, even today and information of any kind is not withheld, as it is a part of history.
Even if it does make people uncomfortable, everything about the World Wars, the Holocaust, 9/11 and any other event is a part of history.
If people are so interested in learning about different events in history, they should look at everything, even if it's bad, so that they can really understand it. If people just look at the heroic aftermath and how people bounced back from events, they don't get a clear picture of things.
Without full knowledge of an event, you can't accurately see and even begin to understand it or why it happened. People should want to understand historical events, even if some parts are not desirable to read about or look at.
You can't really understand something, such as 9/11, without looking at the full picture, not just the parts that make people comfortable. History includes both good and bad events and that is what made the world learn, grow and change since the beginning.
In the documentary, when a member of the media wanted to identify the people who jumped or fell from the towers, depending on how you look at it, went to the coroners and asked, the coroner told him that "nobody jumped. They were blown out."
I think that it's rather sad that America and the rest of the world choose to ignore the bad parts of history and censored those images after their original publication. Look at wars and the Holocaust, they are still discussed, even today and information of any kind is not withheld, as it is a part of history.
Even if it does make people uncomfortable, everything about the World Wars, the Holocaust, 9/11 and any other event is a part of history.
If people are so interested in learning about different events in history, they should look at everything, even if it's bad, so that they can really understand it. If people just look at the heroic aftermath and how people bounced back from events, they don't get a clear picture of things.
Without full knowledge of an event, you can't accurately see and even begin to understand it or why it happened. People should want to understand historical events, even if some parts are not desirable to read about or look at.
You can't really understand something, such as 9/11, without looking at the full picture, not just the parts that make people comfortable. History includes both good and bad events and that is what made the world learn, grow and change since the beginning.
Public transit is interesting - originally written on October 27,2006
I took the public bus downtown today...for the first time in my life
See, I've never had the need to do that, I've been shuttled everywhere...crazy,eh?
Well, anyway, it was interesting...and once I got to the Southern Alberta Art Gallery(I had to do an Endeavour story there) I stayed for over two hours and looked at EVERYTHING!!!!
I also talked with a few people, including Christina Cuthbertson, who is the PR rep and Volunteer Manager at the gallery, and Don Gill, the artist behind the D'Arcy Island exhbit in the upstairs area of the gallery.
I was especially fascinated by the "Lost Birds" and "D'Arcy Island" exhibits. Go to the SAAG and see them. Sunday is free.
Near the end, I bought a Canada keychain with a moose on it and a purple flower holder/fridge magnet...they're so cute.
After while, I packed up my things and reluctantly left...and ran for the bus..
As I was running for the bus, I heard some "strange duck" (as Martina calls them) yelling at nobody in particular.
When the bus was moving, I overheard on the radio that drivers still downtown had called for the police...I don't know much of what happened after that...
So anyway, it was a cool experience and I hope to do it again sometime soon...especially since I have a good rapport with the SAAG staff now.
Heather C.
See, I've never had the need to do that, I've been shuttled everywhere...crazy,eh?
Well, anyway, it was interesting...and once I got to the Southern Alberta Art Gallery(I had to do an Endeavour story there) I stayed for over two hours and looked at EVERYTHING!!!!
I also talked with a few people, including Christina Cuthbertson, who is the PR rep and Volunteer Manager at the gallery, and Don Gill, the artist behind the D'Arcy Island exhbit in the upstairs area of the gallery.
I was especially fascinated by the "Lost Birds" and "D'Arcy Island" exhibits. Go to the SAAG and see them. Sunday is free.
Near the end, I bought a Canada keychain with a moose on it and a purple flower holder/fridge magnet...they're so cute.
After while, I packed up my things and reluctantly left...and ran for the bus..
As I was running for the bus, I heard some "strange duck" (as Martina calls them) yelling at nobody in particular.
When the bus was moving, I overheard on the radio that drivers still downtown had called for the police...I don't know much of what happened after that...
So anyway, it was a cool experience and I hope to do it again sometime soon...especially since I have a good rapport with the SAAG staff now.
Heather C.
Hypocrites! - originally written on May 3,2008
From personal experience, the provincial and federal Canadian governments, as well as employers, are nothing but hypocrites who put themselves over what is best for others.
First, addressing the employers. There’s been talk of how there are not enough people to fill the desperate job markets all over the country.
However, there are plenty of people in the country who are needing and willing to work at even the minimum wage jobs just to make ends meet.
The problem is that employers want employees who are completely normal both in appearance and in mentality.
Why do companies bother to advertise that they are hiring anybody, and that there is a non-discrimination policy when it comes to applicants?
Hypocrites, tear the policy down if it’s not true.
It’s disgusting that employers advertise that kind of policy and yet they are picky with who they hire and how long people who are not “normal” last. Employed people who are different may try hard and do their best to get the job done.
Apparently, though, that is not good enough for employers and people, who are trying to make their place in society, are ungraciously tossed out on their ear with no prospects ahead. Yet, employers will hire people who dabble in criminal acts
Society is afraid of the unknown contaminating their vision of perfection, and employers, unfortunately, listen to the snapping jaws of society and keep the “different” job seekers from ever succeeding.
In order to keep their businesses from sinking into oblivion, employers shut out the “different” and choose to keep their companies successful and uncontaminated.
What does this do to those who are fighting to succeed? It makes them feel as if they are not important, unloved, and thorns in the carefully planted garden of society that need to be steadfastly removed.
That kind of judgment and condemnation makes people feel that they do not deserve better, so they should not bother trying at all. In short, they feel worthless on top of being different.
People crow that they are always trying to better the world. Well, bettering the world involves helping others to succeed, even those who are different and don’t measure up to society’s high standards.
To all those who are searching for work and are different, don’t give up, because something is out there for you and not everyone is a prejudiced slug. Endure and you will find success.
To all the companies and employers who advertise and crow about non-discrimination policies, don’t let your personal prejudices interfere in business decisions. Employers who cannot separate personal prejudices from business workings should be unemployed themselves.
Now, on to the provincial and federal governments of Canada. The governments who break their own laws, yet they are not punished like citizens who break the law.
Just because government officials have titles and power, it doesn’t mean that they are special enough to be excluded from justice.
They also do not really care about their citizens health and welfare, as they advertise change, yet they don‘t follow through on their promises.
The most disgusting thing is that the government will provide employment and monetarily support to criminals or potential criminals, yet they turn their backs on those who are different and are trying to make a fair, honest living while struggling to survive in a prejudiced society.
From personal experience, the provincial and federal Canadian governments, as well as employers, are nothing but hypocrites who put themselves over what is best for others.
First, addressing the employers. There’s been talk of how there are not enough people to fill the desperate job markets all over the country.
However, there are plenty of people in the country who are needing and willing to work at even the minimum wage jobs just to make ends meet.
The problem is that employers want employees who are completely normal both in appearance and in mentality.
Why do companies bother to advertise that they are hiring anybody, and that there is a non-discrimination policy when it comes to applicants?
Hypocrites, tear the policy down if it’s not true.
It’s disgusting that employers advertise that kind of policy and yet they are picky with who they hire and how long people who are not “normal” last. Employed people who are different may try hard and do their best to get the job done.
Apparently, though, that is not good enough for employers and people, who are trying to make their place in society, are ungraciously tossed out on their ear with no prospects ahead. Yet, employers will hire people who dabble in criminal acts
Society is afraid of the unknown contaminating their vision of perfection, and employers, unfortunately, listen to the snapping jaws of society and keep the “different” job seekers from ever succeeding.
In order to keep their businesses from sinking into oblivion, employers shut out the “different” and choose to keep their companies successful and uncontaminated.
What does this do to those who are fighting to succeed? It makes them feel as if they are not important, unloved, and thorns in the carefully planted garden of society that need to be steadfastly removed.
That kind of judgment and condemnation makes people feel that they do not deserve better, so they should not bother trying at all. In short, they feel worthless on top of being different.
People crow that they are always trying to better the world. Well, bettering the world involves helping others to succeed, even those who are different and don’t measure up to society’s high standards.
To all those who are searching for work and are different, don’t give up, because something is out there for you and not everyone is a prejudiced slug. Endure and you will find success.
To all the companies and employers who advertise and crow about non-discrimination policies, don’t let your personal prejudices interfere in business decisions. Employers who cannot separate personal prejudices from business workings should be unemployed themselves.
Now, on to the provincial and federal governments of Canada. The governments who break their own laws, yet they are not punished like citizens who break the law.
Just because government officials have titles and power, it doesn’t mean that they are special enough to be excluded from justice.
They also do not really care about their citizens health and welfare, as they advertise change, yet they don‘t follow through on their promises.
The most disgusting thing is that the government will provide employment and monetarily support to criminals or potential criminals, yet they turn their backs on those who are different and are trying to make a fair, honest living while struggling to survive in a prejudiced society.
I am the oldest child and only daughter of an alcohol/smoking addict. Out of concern for ALL addicts, as well as their families and friends, I write this:
On July 8, I watched Global News at 11 p.m. and saw that this methadone clinic in Calgary, which helps drug addicts, shut down for good because hundreds of people showed up at this protest meeting about it being unwelcome in a residential area and made it so undesirable for the clinic that it went away.
Just when something came into a neighborhood that might open minds and lessen indifference enough that people could help each other out in circumstance improvement, people start freaking out and show up in the masses to stop this from happening, enough so that the clinic shuts down for good and forces recovering addicts to either go elsewhere for help or to fall right back into the habit.
Any time there are those who try to do things to help the addicts, there are also those who whine and complain about how anything that helps addicts will cause harm to people around them.
Don’t people care about those in NEED of help anymore?
Forcing recovering addicts to go elsewhere for help because of ignorance-fueled discomfort is like handing them the drug and turning them back into addicts, as they have no where else to go because of ignorant whining of people who do not understand what addiction can do to a person and that it is miraculous to conquer an addiction, as it is a war within itself.
People complain about addicts of any kind because they don’t understand it and they wish the addicts would seek help so they can be productive members of society.
To the whiners, give it a REST…judge not, lest ye be judged. If people want to judge and crap all over people and choices, as well as those who try to help others in need, they should look at themselves and see how they measure up…they should give themselves a judgment.
Recovering addicts WERE addicts, but they are now trying to FIX IT…
The ideal thing would be if people would help recovering addicts so that they can someday have the willpower to keep away from the addicting substances themselves….
If there were addicts in the days of Christ’s mortality, I am positive He would have reached out to them and if they allowed, He would have helped them through the suffering and recovery. He DIED for all that we go through! It is disappointing that we cannot reach out to others in love like Christ did.
What has happened to us? Allowing a recovering addict to go without support and love is like condemning them as nothing and sending them back to the hell that is addiction. It is morbidly disgusting to think that we are that cruel and heartless to turn away from people in need of support and allow them to suffer.
If society continues to worsen, I forsee a repeat of the Holocaust. All of those with addiction, mental, physical, and any other kind of , as well as all those who try to help the ones with those needs, will be condemned to a hellish suffering and death because mainstream society whines that they don’t wish to be stuck assisting them, or they simply don’t have the time to be a Good Samaritan….like we all should..
We should step out and help those in need, whether it be a recovering addict or one who is truly desiring recovery, or anyone who struggles with issues of any kind that affects their well-being. The best way to help is lovingly donating time and effort to help them. Money is nice, but is a temporal fix……
Reach out….prevent a repeat of one of history’s most devastating tragedies….
Be like Jesus Christ…Love thy God and love thy neighbor UNCONDITIONALLY.
On July 8, I watched Global News at 11 p.m. and saw that this methadone clinic in Calgary, which helps drug addicts, shut down for good because hundreds of people showed up at this protest meeting about it being unwelcome in a residential area and made it so undesirable for the clinic that it went away.
Just when something came into a neighborhood that might open minds and lessen indifference enough that people could help each other out in circumstance improvement, people start freaking out and show up in the masses to stop this from happening, enough so that the clinic shuts down for good and forces recovering addicts to either go elsewhere for help or to fall right back into the habit.
Any time there are those who try to do things to help the addicts, there are also those who whine and complain about how anything that helps addicts will cause harm to people around them.
Don’t people care about those in NEED of help anymore?
Forcing recovering addicts to go elsewhere for help because of ignorance-fueled discomfort is like handing them the drug and turning them back into addicts, as they have no where else to go because of ignorant whining of people who do not understand what addiction can do to a person and that it is miraculous to conquer an addiction, as it is a war within itself.
People complain about addicts of any kind because they don’t understand it and they wish the addicts would seek help so they can be productive members of society.
To the whiners, give it a REST…judge not, lest ye be judged. If people want to judge and crap all over people and choices, as well as those who try to help others in need, they should look at themselves and see how they measure up…they should give themselves a judgment.
Recovering addicts WERE addicts, but they are now trying to FIX IT…
The ideal thing would be if people would help recovering addicts so that they can someday have the willpower to keep away from the addicting substances themselves….
If there were addicts in the days of Christ’s mortality, I am positive He would have reached out to them and if they allowed, He would have helped them through the suffering and recovery. He DIED for all that we go through! It is disappointing that we cannot reach out to others in love like Christ did.
What has happened to us? Allowing a recovering addict to go without support and love is like condemning them as nothing and sending them back to the hell that is addiction. It is morbidly disgusting to think that we are that cruel and heartless to turn away from people in need of support and allow them to suffer.
If society continues to worsen, I forsee a repeat of the Holocaust. All of those with addiction, mental, physical, and any other kind of , as well as all those who try to help the ones with those needs, will be condemned to a hellish suffering and death because mainstream society whines that they don’t wish to be stuck assisting them, or they simply don’t have the time to be a Good Samaritan….like we all should..
We should step out and help those in need, whether it be a recovering addict or one who is truly desiring recovery, or anyone who struggles with issues of any kind that affects their well-being. The best way to help is lovingly donating time and effort to help them. Money is nice, but is a temporal fix……
Reach out….prevent a repeat of one of history’s most devastating tragedies….
Be like Jesus Christ…Love thy God and love thy neighbor UNCONDITIONALLY.
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About Me
- Heather Leigh Cameron
- I have had so many different experiences in my life and many were so meaningful that I decided to keep a record of them.