Thursday, October 30, 2014

Glamourizing Death

I've read a lot about a woman who is planning to die on November 1 because of an inoperable brain tumor and that prompted me to offer a response because I just lost my father on Sunday evening after a three month battle with stage four of a rate cancer.

As someone who just barely lost their father to cancer, I'd have to say that the time of death should be left to the Lord because there may be things that the person or loved ones have left to do before they go. I'm really grateful that my father died when he did, as it allowed me to do things for him that I never thought possible. 

That is a tender mercy from the Lord and shouldn't be left to man. I think that the woman is now enjoying the publicity that her first decision brought forth and I won't be surprised if she announces a new date to die so that she could get more publicity.

There are ways to find art and beauty in a terminal illness, but this is unnecessary glamorization and must be very emotionally hard for her loved ones to keep enduring because to suddenly have emotions being played with would be frustrating for anyone and I wouldn't be surprised if negative feelings surface.

While I understand that the woman must be in pain, saying you are going to die and then retracting that toys with emotions and drains the loved ones to a point where they are simply praying for God to intervene and end the suffering. Just leave life and death to God, world, and just live each day as if you don't know whether or not there will be a tomorrow without compromising your morals, as everyone will be held accountable for how they spent each day and how they improved through the refining and opportunities to grow that time and trial brought to their lives.

I CAN imagine what dying feels like because I lost my father to cancer on October 26 and it got to a point before that where we were praying for the Lord's intervention because his suffering was so horrible for both him and us. We just had his funeral this afternoon and I am grateful that we left the situation in the Lord's hands because a great amount of peace comes from that and if we had tried to control it ourselves, the peace wouldn't have been there and we would have only felt anger and not great relief.

People think I am hemming and hawing in a judgmental manner, but I better understand death because I saw someone die and you learn incredible things when you see someone die. Death is not an end, but only a beginning and if people let their higher power guide them into the process in a calm fashion instead of trying to run or rush it, it's easier to get used to the idea and it invites peace to be felt. 

I'm not bashing euthanasia, but I am annoyed with the toying of emotions when people decide to die and open the way for people to emotionally prepare for that and then suddenly change their mind; it hurts people deeply when their emotions are toyed with because they were prepared and such a decision shakes that preparation. 

What would we learn if the Lord solved every problem we had with a cure? There aren't always happy endings, but there can be new beginnings that lead to the outpouring of great blessings. 

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Covenants and Apostasy

I heard that some women walked into LDS chapels where the Priesthood Session of General Conference and stayed for the session even though they knew that it was online. I'm not sure what to think about this except that Ordain Women is trying very hard to continue their bad behavior.

It boils down to one word. Apostasy.

The Ordain Women movement is of the devil and I truly wish that they would stop their crusade against God and Christ. They HAVE clearly crossed the line to apostasy, as Lynn G. Robbins said in his talk during the Saturday morning session of General Conference, "Lowering the Lord's behavior to the world's inappropriate behavior is apostasy."

The Ordain Women group is trying to lower the Lord's behavior instead of elevating their own, They are apostates and sadly, apostates must be cast out as they have chosen not to walk the path God has set out after making covenants with God and Christ. Everyone has the right to make choices, but nobody has the right to choose the consequences of their choices; they must face them however.

Free Agency and Compassion

Okay, get this straight; God did not authorize same-gender marriage, but he left man to their agency and they chose to make it legal. Man made the choice to authorize this and God did not lower Himself to the world's inappropriate behavior; rather, the world tried to lower God to its inappropriate behavior and such a thing will never happen.

Man has their agency and God, by His own divine law, will not interfere in either the making of the choices or any consequences of the choices made. Everyone has the right to make their own choices even if they do not choose the path of God and Jesus Christ, but they cannot choose the consequences that come forth.

Compassion and understanding are important, however, as we are all children of God and we should love one another even though some may make choices that don't agree with religious beliefs. I just want people to understand that God does not force decisions upon man; man makes their own decisions and has to live with them. God teaches us compassion and love; thus, we should show it to all around us.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

The Trouble With Big Brother - August 31, 2014

Okay, I haven't bothered to watch Big Brother since about Season 10 and it was only halfheartedly because I liked the earlier seasons so much; there was more fun, more people that I could connect with, and less perversions among the Houseguests. I do keep up with it through articles posted on Facebook sometimes, though, and I read an article concerning two of the Houseguests making some very lewd suggestions about what they should do to some of their fellow Houseguests. I won't go into detail, as you can find the article easily, but I have to say that I was horrified and feel that I must express my thoughts.

In response to Frankie's DISGUSTING behavior:

This is NOT acceptable behavior even on a show like Big Brother; since when did it become acceptable to producers and other houseguests to threaten or joke about threatening the safety of another Houseguest?

In past seasons, when Houseguests made comments that threatened another Houseguest's safety or did things that actively threatened another Houseguest's safety, they were either called to the Diary Room and expelled by or given a warning as to that being the consequence for any future inappropriate behavior! I read this article and it's like everyone went 'meh' over something extremely serious and inappropriate!

Why would ANYONE want to be in a house or fans of a game that ignores very serious things like this? Has rape suddenly become something cool enough to joke about? I shouldn't think so and I am APPALLED that NOTHING was done about this either inside or out of the house. Joking about raping someone is a criminal offense and Frankie could be criminally charged for his 'joke.'

Oh, and in response to Derrick's disgusting support of the disgusting behavior? According to his bio, he is a COP; someone who is sworn to uphold and defend the law. A cop needs to have a certain amount of dignity and respect for others NO MATTER WHAT simply because that is part of the oath one takes when they become a cop.

I mean, it's bad enough when regular people do that sort of stuff on TV, but when an officer of the law, who people are supposed to trust with their safety and lives, pulls that kind of behavior, is he really worthy of being allowed to return to his job as a cop when this whole game is over? I'm not really sure he should be allowed to.

This is what corrupt media does to our society; it desensitizes people to the point where EVERYTHING is in the gray area and black and white barely exist. Is this what the future of the world is? Do we want to live in a world where there is no such thing as boundaries, morals, or a sense of right and wrong?

Okay, seriously, if I would have heard a joke like that, I would have slapped the Christmas out of the person saying it and/or given them major crap for it. The whole thing crossed the line and yes, I'm sure there are/will be those who consider it a joke and laugh it off, but try and put yourselves and/or your loved ones in the shoes of those whom the jokes were directed to. How would you feel and how do you think they would feel?

Please express your thoughts about what I've said, but please don't cuss in the comments.

Friday, July 11, 2014

We Have to Give Them ALL

This afternoon, I was helping my mother pick up branches, leaves, and twigs in our front yard that had been deposited there during a very nasty thunder/hail storm last night. I saw that some of the smaller leaves blended so well into the yard and I asked my mom if we had to get the small leaves and she said, "We need to get all of them." That got me likening the situation to the Atonement and how, in order for it to work for us, we need to be willing to and actively give ALL of our sins to the Savior in order for things to get spiritually better for us. We can't hang on to the tiny sins and just hand over the big ones, thinking that the small ones won't make a difference.

Similar to service, however, even the little bits matter; we can't really feel the healing power of the Atonement nor can we move beyond our sins unless we are willing to gather them off the grass of our lives, dump them in a big pile, and hand ALL of them over to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

The Atonement is infinite and eternal, meaning that it covers ALL sins ALWAYS. It only works, however, if we're willing to ALWAYS give ALL our sins over to Christ, as He already died for them.

Why keep the pains of something that was already removed from our shoulders? Is there a point?

We have to give ALL of our sins in order to ALWAYS feel the effects of the Atonement.

For Christ Atoned for ALL of us and He will ALWAYS do so. Let us never forget that.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Don't Ordain Women - June 13, 2014

With all the craziness surrounding the Ordain Women organization recently, I will confess that I am growing very tired of reading about them and their sudden 'trembling' to the consequences that they were warned about. For those who haven't read it, the founder of Ordain Women is now facing Church discipline for her continued persistence that women be given the priesthood even after being told to stop and her group is going to hold a 'vigil' for her on the day this happens. 

This is a prime example of how little choices can ultimately lead to grave consequences, hence which is why we must use our right and responsibility to choose very carefully. Why are they continuing to do what they are doing knowing what they stand to lose because they didn't listen when the Lord said no? Do they not understand the divine value that women have to God and to that which they are needed to do within His divine Church? Yes, we are all human first and the imperfections of mortality's shell often get in the way of who we should be to ourselves, to other people, and to God.

Hence, why the Atonement exists; to provide divine help and healing if WE WANT HELP. I don't normally rant like this on Facebook, but we all need to see our divine value and role in God's amazing kingdom and understand that just because everyone has a different role in God's kingdom, it doesn't make anyone more or less important than anyone else in His eyes. I don't desire to express hate towards the group, but I sadly do not think that the group truly understands the value we have to God and to the roles we are NEEDED to take care of in order to help the Lord bring His work forward. 

If they do understand their divine roles and are trying to question God's love and trust in what He has given them, that is really sad and I can't help but be sad for those who don't cherish what God gives them. God cares about every single one of His children and blesses us all with gifts and abilities that we may help one another and then gives us opportunities to do so through various works we do all over the world. Additionally, God does not stop people from using their agency the way they want to, but he does not stop consequences from coming forth either. 

Mark 12:30&31, which is in the New Testament Section of the Bible, also speaks against racism in a subtle, yet obvious fashion:
"30 And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.
31 And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these."

The first one is obvious in that we should love and trust God and the second verse states that as children of God, we all need to recognize the value in ourselves and what the Lord asks us to do. We all have importance to God and different responsibilities, but we are all equal in His loving eyes.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Love Yourself

I made these albums are in honor of the 'Love Your Selfie' series that NBC is promoting and my inspiration is the online petition for the plus-sized Disney princess. Everyone is beautiful no matter their looks, size, or abilities and the world needs to come to understand and embrace diversity and uniqueness.
(do you see much of a difference between the two albums?)

p.s.: I can be reached on Facebook or at

Monday, January 13, 2014

With Fame Comes Responsibility

When you become a celebrity or a well-known individual, you have a responsibility to serve the public as a good example and also as a teacher of responsible behavior.

I have read stories of celebrities and well-known people acting irresponsibly and making poor choices when they know everyone is watching them; there is nothing wrong with having fame, but fame is also an opportunity to inspire people in the art of acting responsibly and choosing to do good with the opportunity presented, lest it slip through your fingers like sand.

I say this because I have read lots of news stories recently about celebrities and them purposely behaving badly for attention. The public eye should make a BIGGER and BETTER difference in how a person behaves.

About Me

I have had so many different experiences in my life and many were so meaningful that I decided to keep a record of them.