Friday, July 11, 2014

We Have to Give Them ALL

This afternoon, I was helping my mother pick up branches, leaves, and twigs in our front yard that had been deposited there during a very nasty thunder/hail storm last night. I saw that some of the smaller leaves blended so well into the yard and I asked my mom if we had to get the small leaves and she said, "We need to get all of them." That got me likening the situation to the Atonement and how, in order for it to work for us, we need to be willing to and actively give ALL of our sins to the Savior in order for things to get spiritually better for us. We can't hang on to the tiny sins and just hand over the big ones, thinking that the small ones won't make a difference.

Similar to service, however, even the little bits matter; we can't really feel the healing power of the Atonement nor can we move beyond our sins unless we are willing to gather them off the grass of our lives, dump them in a big pile, and hand ALL of them over to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

The Atonement is infinite and eternal, meaning that it covers ALL sins ALWAYS. It only works, however, if we're willing to ALWAYS give ALL our sins over to Christ, as He already died for them.

Why keep the pains of something that was already removed from our shoulders? Is there a point?

We have to give ALL of our sins in order to ALWAYS feel the effects of the Atonement.

For Christ Atoned for ALL of us and He will ALWAYS do so. Let us never forget that.

About Me

I have had so many different experiences in my life and many were so meaningful that I decided to keep a record of them.