Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Thoughts on Love and Relationships by Heather Cameron

I was browsing my Facebook feed this morning and I came across the talk 'The Marriage Decision' by President Spencer W. Kimball that someone had posted along with a quote from the talk and some very insightful questions.
The Quote: Spencer W. Kimball: "Recently I met a young returned missionary who is 35 years old. He had been home from his mission for 14 years and yet he was little concerned about his bachelorhood, and laughed about it.
I shall feel sorry for this young man when the day comes that he faces the Great Judge at the throne and when the Lord asks this boy: 'Where is your wife?' All of his excuses which he gave to his fellows on earth will seem very light and senseless when he answers the Judge. “I was very busy,” or “I felt I should get my education first,” or “I did not find the right girl”—such answers will be hollow and of little avail."
The Questions:
1. If someone in your church is single and content, do you feel sorry for them?
2. If someone in your church delays marriage to pursue their education or they haven't found the right person, are they sinning?
3. Are LDS singles pressured to marry and to marry early?
I thought about the questions and decided to provide a personal response to each of them:

Answer to Question # 1:
In my defense, I am certainly not content being single, but I am not going sit around and moon over it because that only wastes energy and time I can be using to develop myself temporally and spiritually in ways that will benefit a marriage once the opportunity comes.

I am perfectly aware of the fact that people feel sorry for me being single and they have gone as far as to ask me why or if I am sure I want to get married in the temple, to which I reply in the affirmative.

I am socializing as much as possible and the right one either hasn't yet made an appearance,hasn't felt prompted to make an appearance, or has been prompted to make an appearance and is ignoring it because they know of me and have the attitude of "anyone but her" and I can only pray for myself and my blessings; I cannot control the agency of another, nor do I want to. I want someone to love me because they want to and not because they feel obligated to.

Answer to Question # 2:
I never delayed marriage to pursue education or a mission because I went and got my Journalism diploma right after high school from 2005 to 2007, I did a 12-month mission from 2013 to 2014, and pursued education in the fields of Pathways and Administrative Assistant from 2015 to 2017 after much prayer and observing the Lord's hand guiding me in that direction.

I had a unique mission in which dating was allowed, but I prayed about it and felt it was right to focus on my mission and not have distractions during that time even if others thought that weird. I have also spent many years since I was 18 serving as financial, spiritual, and emotional support for my family because my dad was an alcoholic and a heavy smoker and spent his money to feed his habits while ignoring and/or abusing his family every chance he got, even when we tried to take vacations and act like a normal family. My birth dad died in October 2014 after being diagnosed in July 2014 and I helped a great deal and I took care of my mom until January 2016, which is when she married a wonderful priesthood holder who is capable of taking care of her in all the ways that she deserves.

I have since had counseling to help myself become who I would want to bring into a relationship and marriage and I am also constantly educating myself on how to function in a relationship so that it can progress in a healthy manner when the opportunity comes along. I had also worried a great deal about introducing a relationship and marriage into those circumstances because the family circumstances would have proved damaging to the whole process and I am now grateful that that part of my life didn't happen while my dad was alive; it can now happen and there won't be any concerns.

If people think I am a sinner for following the spirit and not jumping into what would have been a disaster at that time, you have your right to an opinion, but why don't you walk in my shoes for the same amount of years I had to before you offer any sort of opinion?

Answer to Question # 3:
I think singles are put under pressure by their parents and/or influences around them that make them feel like they are bad people if they don't do things in a specific order regardless of what the Spirit may say to them.

Everyone has different times in their lives that it is right for them to do different things, but they fold to pressure and end up doing things before they might actually be ready to do them. For some, it works out and they end up happy; for others, however, the pressure becomes too much and they end up unhappy or choosing to make bad decisions out of frustration that they were pushed into things they didn't want to do or wanted to wait to do.

People need to learn and love who they are before they get involved with making themselves and their lives part of another person's existence. Parents need to stop having cows over the fact that not everyone wants to do things in a specific order in their lives and simply be grateful when their children make decisions that will help them develop into good people.

Not everyone gets married young, not everyone serves a mission right away or even at all, not everyone gets married right after their mission, not everyone wants to follow the plan that people set out for them. It makes more sense to learn how to follow the Spirit and use its guidance to learn what the plan is for your life than to let others dictate your life.

Acting according to the Spirit is acting for yourselves and letting others dictate your movements in life is letting others act upon you and mess with your agency. We cannot listen to more than one influential voice at a time, so we need to decide what voice is most important to us and follow it even if other voices protest. The Spirit of God will motivate us to do good and those who can understand that are our true supporters and will help us be able to do that. Those who want their own way will ignore the Spirit that they might feel in favor of being in control.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Priscilla Pringle's Predicament - Reader's Theater at Lethbridge Whoop-U...

This week was quite fun for me because I got to portray the main antagonist in a Reader's Theater called 'Priscilla Pringle's Predicament/All's Swell That Ends Swell' that Playgoers of Lethbridge put on at Lethbridge Whoop-Up Days 2017. The story was written by Ed Bayly, a truly wonderful individual. Doing the performances all week reminded me of how much I love participating in theater. Please enjoy this recording!

Friday, August 11, 2017

2011 Second Life Sci-Fi Convention Panel 'A Personal Look Into Trek Fandoms' by Heather Leigh Cameron

Within my career of journalism and other writings, I have also been the focus of a virtual panel at a virtual Sci-Fi Convention. In 2011, I had a panel at the Second Life Sci-Fi Convention called 'A Personal Look Into Trek Fandoms' that was basically me talking about the Star Trek fan fiction that I had written and still write. It was a very successful panel and I hope to do another one like it or even one in the real world again someday. The transcript and notes are available for viewing on my page: Heather Leigh Cameron - Creative Artist and I am more than happy to answer questions people may have.

Here are my notes for the panel:

Greetings all Trek fans who could make it here today,

I am LeighAnn Mantis in Second Life, however....

My RL name is Heather Cameron and I come here today to promote Star Trek fan fiction, specifically some fan fiction I have written, beginning with a fic called "Yesterday In Tomorrow" that I wrote as a sequel to Star Trek 2009.

The story, which can be found on www.fanfiction.net, involves the Enterprise crew, some original characters, time travel, horrifying transporter experimentation, and a unique crossover as well as the inclusion of our favorite honor-driven species, the Klingons....oh, and a few Vulcans are in the story as well.

There is a prequel and a a sequel to the story, but you HAVE to read the main story in order to read the prequel or sequel....I might go into those if there is curiosity about them....

Any questions or comments so far?

I write under a psuedo name, so here is how you can find my writing...respect the work; DO NOT steal it...

Yesterday in Tomorrow » by Chameleon777/Heather Cameron

Sypnosis: Sequel the first movie. What if there was a little more to history? When a near-deadly transport accident occurs, history is made, damaged, and forever rewritten to hide deep secrets.

link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5496224/1/bYesterday_b_in_bTomorrow_b

I would very much like detailed reviews!

If anyone wants to start reading it now, go ahead and if you have questions, type them out because I can't hear voice all that well....

Anyway, while we're on the topic of fan fictions, I would like to ask you all your thoughts on what a good Star Trek fan story should and should not contain and why?

In looking at writing Star Trek fan fiction, one needs to start with a base series, story elements, or a base character....what are all of your favorite series, episodes, story elements, or characters, and why?

Do you think any stories from Second Life Trek would make good fan stories?

EXERCISE # 1: Make a new notecard and write at least three proper sentences describing yourself as if Starfleet were real and you were in it; you can be creative, but keep it clean and have it make sense....you can put yourself in any role you want, but have the description to back it up.....describe timeperiod, location, etc.

EXERCISE # 2: If you want to, share your description and also introduce yourself and tell why you love Trek; nobody will judge you!

A look at fan Trek come to life; those who are fans of Trek that made their dreams of being in the command role come to life (mention of Phase II, Excalibur, etc.)

Could Trek creators have done anything differently for any of the movies or television series? Any thoughts on that?

What about on Trek merchandise? What merchandise is out there, what do we all have, and what's on our wish lists?

(time for questions, comments, or dicussion about RL and SL Trek groups, roleplays, or fan fictions.....time for answering more questions about my fan fic...)

Here is the transcript from the panel.
[10:00] Steve Atlanta: She is Leighann Mantis and is promoting Star Trek fandom
[10:01] Steve Atlanta: She wrote a Trek story called "Yesterday and Tomorrow"
[10:01] Johyn: Yes.
[10:01] Johyn: Computers crash also.
[10:01] Steve Atlanta: It is a sequel to Star Trek 2009
[10:01] Nonamei Scribe: cool
[10:01] Steve Atlanta: It feature Klingons
[10:02] Steve Atlanta: is it people we know like Jean Luke Picard?
[10:02] Nonamei Scribe: will this be done in voice?
[10:02] Nonamei Scribe: or text?
[10:03] Johyn: Oh. Ok. Thought you were missing the text.
[10:03] Steve Atlanta: she prefers text due to having bad hearing
[10:03] Johyn: And easier one at a time. you are right.
[10:03] Johyn: haha
[10:03] Steve Atlanta: I have another
[10:04] Johyn: None. Perfect lineup, having to read the mid story first.
[10:04] Johyn: *first.
[10:04] Steve Atlanta: Did you contact Paramount or CBS to get it published?
[10:05] Steve Atlanta: Dave has one
[10:06] Steve Atlanta: He is typing
[10:06] Fā-Le Yán: For Beeflin and the other newcomers -- I just realized this conversation is happening in voice.
[10:07] Beeflin Grut: ah thank you
[10:07] Steve Atlanta: we are doing questions in voice
[10:07] Steve Atlanta: wait no
[10:07] Fā-Le Yán: Some of us didn't realize that. No worries.
[10:07] ..::K::..: activating voice
[10:07] Steve Atlanta: type your questions in text
[10:07] Steve Atlanta: but...its best to listen on voice
[10:07] Steve Atlanta: I will try to type the gist
[10:07] Fā-Le YánFā-Le Yán giggles. "You don't."
[10:07] Beeflin Grut: OK I have voice on
[10:08] Steve Atlanta: she is presently awaiting a question from Dave
[10:08] Johyn: No. You sound great. Please continue. I was wondering what keeps you in character for the story length?
[10:08] Johyn: I mean, each of the characters.
[10:08] Steve Atlanta: she used Star Trek 2009 as a background
[10:08] Johyn: Yes. :)
[10:09] Steve Atlanta: she used various characters from the era like Admiral Archer
[10:09] Johyn: Sort of felt your way along? I am a writer, also.
[10:09] Johyn: Yes.
[10:10] Johyn: Thank you. i understand. Great. :)
[10:10] Johyn: Hvae you always been a sci-fi fan?
[10:10] Beeflin Grut: I'm just trying to catch up with the background to this discussion - sorry I missed the start
[10:10] Johyn: Or, am i assuming?
[10:10] davidped Bigbear: i did invite you TY
[10:11] Steve Atlanta: she has been watching Star Trek since a teenager
[10:11] Beeflin Grut: yes, well Shatner is a well-known chucklehead even if you love him :-))
[10:11] Nonamei Scribe: yes
[10:12] Johyn: Yes. Same.
[10:12] Steve Atlanta: she had health troubles and Star Trek gave hope of a brighter future
[10:12] Johyn: Well, you have certainly made a success for your future. :)
[10:12] Steve Atlanta: Second life allows her to boldly go into the Star Trek life
[10:12] Beeflin Grut: Can you say something about the community aspect of joining a uniformed service?
[10:13] Johyn: haha
[10:13] Steve Atlanta: can you be more specific?
[10:13] Steve Atlanta: community aspect?
[10:13] Beeflin Grut: I'm not a member of the Trek community - I just wondered what your experience is of support from other people in the RP
[10:13] Beeflin GrutBeeflin Grut grins
[10:14] Beeflin Grut: good :)
[10:14] davidped Bigbear: you ever do any IRC ?????
[10:14] Steve Atlanta: she found a Trek Home after searching a few Trek groups
[10:14] davidped Bigbear: internet
[10:14] davidped Bigbear: Chat
[10:15] davidped Bigbear: ya
[10:15] davidped Bigbear: Inter net relay chat
[10:15] davidped Bigbear: irc
[10:15] davidped Bigbear: irc
[10:15] Steve Atlanta: She has not heard of it
[10:15] davidped Bigbear: you can do
[10:15] davidped Bigbear: video
[10:15] davidped Bigbear: and
[10:15] davidped Bigbear: text chat
[10:15] Fā-Le Yán: It's another form of online community, Leigh Ann.
[10:16] Fā-Le Yán: Text-only, I believe.
[10:16] davidped Bigbear: from 1989
[10:16] davidped Bigbear: like dos
[10:16] davidped Bigbear: but chat in text only
[10:16] davidped Bigbear: no pics
[10:16] Johyn: She is young, guys. :)
[10:16] Johyn: 57, here.
[10:16] Steve Atlanta: she was born in 1987
[10:17] davidped Bigbear: mut toy can share files between all your pal's
[10:17] Beeflin GrutBeeflin Grut laughs!
[10:17] Beeflin Grut: That's young as far as I'm concerned
[10:17] davidped Bigbear: you can share
[10:17] Fā-Le YánFā-Le Yán grins at Beeflin.
[10:17] davidped Bigbear: all files
[10:17] davidped Bigbear: and
[10:17] Beeflin GrutBeeflin Grut nods
[10:17] Steve Atlanta: she likes to be friends with older people
[10:17] davidped Bigbear: it can be controlled only by you
[10:18] Steve Atlanta: she thinks they are nicer
[10:18] Steve Atlanta: I have one
[10:18] Johyn: lol
[10:18] Steve Atlanta: back to the publishing
[10:18] davidped Bigbear: it is like a proxy server on your end
[10:18] Steve Atlanta: I wrote a story
[10:18] Steve Atlanta: and I found a place that might publish it
[10:18] davidped Bigbear: like it works for me Good
[10:18] Steve Atlanta: http://www.twguild.com/resources/starting3.html
[10:18] Starr JetaimeStarr Jetaime ::raises hand::
[10:18] Steve Atlanta: Trek Writers guild
[10:19] Steve Atlanta: could go either way
[10:19] Steve Atlanta: but I need finish the story first
[10:19] Steve Atlanta: its hard to say BUT to publish must get approval from Paramount
[10:19] davidped Bigbear: ya
[10:19] davidped Bigbear: they can
[10:20] Steve Atlanta: she prefers to keep her story on Fan Fiction . net
[10:20] Steve Atlanta: Star you had a question?
[10:20] Starr Jetaime: you mentioned roleplaying in different SL Trek sims.
[10:21] Steve Atlanta: Yes she did
[10:21] Starr Jetaime: where else besides UFS have you been part of?
[10:21] Steve Atlanta: Fran we are discussing the writing of Fan Fiction for Star Trek story she wrote
[10:22] Starr Jetaime: did you use this background for your writing?
[10:22] Steve Atlanta: she roleplays at UFS. SFG, in Klingon and Cardassian groups, mostly as a Medical Officer
[10:22] Steve Atlanta: She serves on the USS Veracruz at UFS
[10:22] Steve Atlanta: correction, Ops officer
[10:23] Steve Atlanta: She didn't use SL for her story, she used the movie Star Trek 2009
[10:23] Steve Atlanta: she used some ideas from TV shows but not TNG
[10:24] Johyn: You are planning to write more in the STrek fiction line?
[10:24] Fā-Le YánFā-Le Yán raises her hand.
[10:24] Fā-Le Yán: You mentioned "it doesn't fit" -- what challenges have you encountered in choosing the backgrounds for your stories?
[10:24] Steve Atlanta: She wants to write more similar stories, a prequel, and a sequel
[10:24] Fā-Le Yán: Star Trek doesn't stay consistent....
[10:25] davidped Bigbear: ALL IS GOOD is OK
[10:25] Johyn: lol!
[10:25] Johyn: hahaha!
[10:25] Steve Atlanta: She used Star Trek 2009 cause it fit in better with the Transporter accident
[10:25] Kaori Juliesse: ::raises hand::
[10:25] Steve Atlanta: yes Kaori
[10:25] Beeflin Grut: Is there one Star Trek character who you prefer to write about?
[10:26] ..::K::..: I have two questions. One. Does the prospect of creating an SL film version of stories written interest you and your thoughts on Harlan Ellison.
[10:26] Steve Atlanta: she wrote some scripts for UFGQ
[10:27] ..::K::..: Yes. Or seeing it expand into using the visuals in SL to enhance the stories.
[10:27] Johyn: Yes. But, the actors have copyright on their images.
[10:27] Steve Atlanta: she would like to see some avatars in SL made to represent her story, but she would use close control
[10:28] Steve Atlanta: She doesn't know who Harlen Ellison is
[10:28] Johyn: Ellison is a sci-fi writer from very early 1960's
[10:28] ..::K::..: Writer. Wrote the episode for "City on the Edge of Forever."
[10:28] Fā-Le YánFā-Le Yán chokes on her giggles.
[10:28] Steve Atlanta: she asks who is Harlen Ellision?
[10:28] Johyn: He wrote City on the edge of forever
[10:28] Steve Atlanta: the old TOS episode?
[10:29] Johyn: And Demon With a Glass hand in The Old Outer Limits.
[10:29] Fā-Le Yán: He was a prolific writer.
[10:29] Johyn: Yes. i understand. i know a lot of film & movie trivia.
[10:29] ..::K::..: his name seems to be controversial among Star Trek fans. why I asked. Than;k you :)
[10:29] Steve Atlanta: she says "cool"
[10:29] Steve Atlanta: she loves that episode
[10:29] Johyn: Gemne spent a lot of time on the outer limits set and found Nimoy, Shatner and Doohan there.
[10:30] Fā-Le Yán: Read his original script for the episode and compare it to the filmed version. You'll see why he's controversial.
[10:30] Johyn: Do you know there is a radio show of trek?
[10:30] Fā-Le Yán: He had drug dealers on the Enterprise.
[10:30] Johyn: They perform on air.
[10:30] Beeflin GrutBeeflin Grut laughs!
[10:31] Fā-Le YánFā-Le Yán nods with a grin.
[10:31] Steve Atlanta: she laughs at the idea of Drug dealers on the enterprise
[10:31] Johyn: Replicator tags.
[10:31] Beeflin Grut: weren't there ever drug stories in TOS? I thought there were one or two
[10:31] Fā-Le Yán: Smuggled on board with the Romulan ale.
[10:31] Johyn: Replicator hacks.
[10:31] Fā-Le Yán: No, Beeflin. No drugs in Roddenberry's future.
[10:31] ..::K::..: But alcohol? Yes.
[10:31] Steve Atlanta: She says there is a Trek radio show, named Trek Radio
[10:31] Johyn: for them.
[10:32] Beeflin Grut: well, there was alcohol and definitely some kind of addiction stories
[10:32] Steve Atlanta: She says Star Trek DID have drugs in it
[10:32] ..::K::..: Jem Hadar. Drug addict soldiers?
[10:32] Fā-Le Yán: Was was original series, Leigh Ann?
[10:32] Beeflin Grut: I can't remember the detail
[10:32] Fā-Le Yán: I'm talking about TOS.
[10:32] Johyn: Yes.
[10:32] ..::K::..: oh :)
[10:33] Fā-Le Yán: Gene didn't want any drugs in his original series. Others weakened his position on that.
[10:33] Johyn: Yes. :)
[10:33] Steve Atlanta: Star Trek dealt with racism, sex, and kissing
[10:33] Fā-Le Yán: Yay kissing!
[10:33] Johyn: Plato's Stepchildren.
[10:33] Johyn: It was historic!
[10:33] davidped Bigbear: thats the one where Kirk Kissing
[10:33] Fā-Le Yán: I saw it when it first broadcast, Leigh Ann.
[10:33] Fā-Le YánFā-Le Yán grins.
[10:33] Johyn: It was the first-eer interracial kiss.
[10:33] davidped Bigbear: OOOOOOOP'S hehe
[10:33] Johyn: on TV
[10:33] Steve Atlanta: She says it is in "Star Trek Memories" by William Shatner
[10:34] Johyn: Well, my mom knew that when it was first aired.
[10:34] Beeflin Grut: Felicium, that was a TNG drug, in the story Symbiosis
[10:34] Johyn: She loved Star Trek's innovation.
[10:34] Steve Atlanta: Any more questions?
[10:35] Johyn: Do you see mankind leaning toward a Star Trek future?
[10:35] Fā-Le YánFā-Le Yán thinks "Satyr Trek Memories" would be a good name for Captain Kirk's memoirs.
[10:35] Johyn: Agreed. :)
[10:35] Beeflin Grut: A URL for your fanfiction work?
[10:35] Johyn: Agreed.
[10:36] Johyn: Early 21st century and we are still committing "civilized" mass murder.
[10:36] Steve Atlanta: She says, mankind has a LONG way to go before we get a Star Trek future, but so many things are negatively affecting it, like politics, eco=nomy
[10:36] ..::K::..: Doctors without borders. What about Astronauts without borders.?
[10:36] Johyn: Theuy really tried.
[10:36] Steve Atlanta: She says there is even a Class M planet they've found
[10:36] Beeflin Grut: There have been cooperations, but I think the money's been cut off hasn't it?
[10:36] Johyn: Astronauts all really try to ignore all the politics.
[10:36] Beeflin Grut: governments would rather fight
[10:37] Fā-Le Yán: A planet in our solar system, Leigh Ann?
[10:37] Ali Fran: Politics is corrupt.
[10:37] Fā-Le YánFā-Le Yán arches an eyebrow in surprise.
[10:37] Steve Atlanta: She will now post a URL for the story she wroyte
[10:37] LeighAnn Arianne Mantis: I write under a psuedo name, so here is how you can find my writing...respect the work; DO NOT steal it...

Yesterday in Tomorrow » by Chameleon777/Heather Cameron

Sypnosis: Sequel the first movie. What if there was a little more to history? When a near-deadly transport accident occurs, history is made, damaged, and forever rewritten to hide deep secrets.

link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5496224/1/bYesterday_b_in_bTomorrow_b

I would very much like detailed reviews!
[10:37] Beeflin Grut: cool
[10:37] Beeflin Grut: thanks!
[10:37] Steve Atlanta: Leighann can you also pass out the notecard?
[10:37] Steve Atlanta: Notecard
[10:37] Johyn: hahaha!
[10:38] Steve Atlanta: I can pass it out
[10:39] Johyn: hahaha!
[10:39] Beeflin Grut: thanks Steve
[10:39] Johyn: It works.
[10:39] Steve Atlanta: she says you can read it now, but don't tell people the ending!
[10:39] Johyn: If you have that talent, use it.
[10:41] Steve Atlanta: any more question or comments?
[10:41] Johyn: Sure i will have more after reading. Thank you so much for this talk.
[10:41] Beeflin Grut: |i better read it later - rather be here while this meeting's happening :)
[10:41] Johyn: no no no. Just getting my thanks in.
[10:41] Steve Atlanta: she says she has some more things to say, so don't leave yet!
[10:42] Johyn: No more Spock falling in love, or such.
[10:42] Beeflin Grut: nothing that contradicts a canon story!
[10:42] Steve Atlanta: she wants to ask YOU what a good Trek story should and should NOT contain?
[10:42] Fā-Le Yán: It seems to be that fan-fic is an opportunity to explore possibilities that the main series cannot.
[10:42] Johyn: Well, yes, I have to admit that was well done.
[10:42] Johyn: Very well done. Because it was not overdone.
[10:42] Fā-Le Yán whispers: Fan-fic can violate canon, to see "what would happen if...."
[10:43] Johyn: It was not the focus of the story.
[10:43] Beeflin Grut: perhaps stories that aren't very dramatic, no action - conversations, inner experiences...
[10:43] Steve Atlanta: she asks what do you mean contradict canon, didn't Star Trek 2009 contradict Canon?
[10:43] Beeflin Grut: well you know some novels aren't filmed because they don't have enough action
[10:43] Beeflin Grut: that kind of thing
[10:43] Fā-Le Yán: I think Beeflin is saying that fan-fic can have stories that would not be exciting if filmed, because all the action is internal.
[10:44] Fā-Le Yán: Sorry, gege....
[10:44] Johyn: Well, it is all academic because the theory of multiple timelines is more prevalent and plausible.
[10:44] Fā-Le YánFā-Le Yán smiles at Beeflin.
[10:44] Beeflin Grut: The reason I don't like canon contradicted is that I then can't build up a picture of the world of the stories
[10:44] Beeflin Grut: it fragments the world
[10:44] Fā-Le Yán: I think fan-fic should boldly go into subject the mainstream cannot.
[10:44] Beeflin Grut: into different worlds.
[10:45] Johyn: I would wish that the writers would do their research in physics before trying to write it.
[10:45] Beeflin Grut: but hey that's just me!
[10:45] Johyn: "RED MATTER!"
[10:45] Johyn: argh!
[10:45] Steve Atlanta: she says ok, but what could have been done differently witrh Star Trek 2009?
[10:46] ..::K::..: Have Kirk have a major event that changes who he is. He was cocky from start to finish.?
[10:46] Beeflin Grut: sorry - I haven't seen it!
[10:46] Fā-Le YánFā-Le Yán hasn't read Star Trek 2009.....
[10:46] Johyn: Someting besides red matter should have been used.
[10:46] Beeflin Grut: well, Im a Firefly RPer... :-}
[10:46] Beeflin Grut: I totally should! OK
[10:46] Beeflin Grut: hehe
[10:47] Steve Atlanta: she says that shes surprised you haven't seen Star Trek 2009
[10:47] Beeflin GrutBeeflin Grut has been told
[10:47] Beeflin Grut: Not all of them...
[10:47] Steve Atlanta: (she is in shock)
[10:47] Johyn: Of course. :)
[10:47] Beeflin GrutBeeflin Grut is ready to crawl under the chair
[10:47] Fā-Le YánFā-Le Yán hides behind Beeflin.
[10:47] Beeflin Grut: er
[10:47] Johyn: all
[10:47] Beeflin Grut: 1,2,3,4,5? I think
[10:48] Beeflin Grut: I loved TOS
[10:48] Johyn: yes, ST:TOS also.
[10:48] Steve Atlanta: she says "good job"
[10:48] Steve Atlanta: she thinks people hated Wesley crusher
[10:48] Johyn: Disliked Dr Crusher more.
[10:48] Johyn: Loved Pulaski.
[10:48] ..::K::..: I did not like Diana Troy
[10:49] Steve Atlanta: she asks what is our favorite story characters?
[10:49] Steve Atlanta: characters?
[10:49] LeighAnn Arianne Mantis: In looking at writing Star Trek fan fiction, one needs to start with a base series, story elements, or a base character....what are all of your favorite series, episodes, story elements, or characters, and why?
[10:49] Steve Atlanta: and story baseline?
[10:49] Debbydo: I loved Guinan but then I am a Whoopi Goldberg fan
[10:49] ..::K::..: Garak.
[10:50] Johyn: "The Doomsday Machine," for William Windom's performance.
[10:50] Steve Atlanta: she says Garak was a cute Cardassian
[10:51] Johyn: Well, yes, i felt the same because of actor choice.
[10:51] ..::K::..: Inner Light
[10:51] Steve Atlanta: she says she is an old fashioned Trekkie
[10:51] Beeflin Grut: well , I liked Amok Time - it stretched Spock's character
[10:52] ..::K::..: TNG. Picard lives an entire life on a planet. Turns out it was a probe impanting a memory of an instict species. Loved the way they ended it.
[10:52] Steve Atlanta: she loved Amok time
[10:52] Beeflin Grut: yeah
[10:52] Johyn: "Gary Seven"
[10:52] Beeflin Grut: He can smile as much as he likes - he's 50% human
[10:52] Steve Atlanta: she says however that Spock was accused of smiling because Kirk was alive
[10:53] Johyn: Because again of the acting.
[10:53] Marc Seven: we are not relatives
[10:53] Fā-Le Yán: "Mirror, Mirror." It let the characters reveal their inner bitches, especially Uhura.
[10:53] Beeflin Grut: and the Tholian Web - I really liked the actual web, it was mesmerising
[10:53] Fā-Le Yán: And Spock is cute in a goatee.
[10:54] Steve Atlanta: she loved Mirror Mirror and was amazed at how the actors adapted
[10:54] Fā-Le Yán: But I really really liked Sulu with his rapier....
[10:54] Beeflin Grut: yes! Sulu's rapier, that was cooll
[10:54] Fā-Le YánFā-Le Yán bites her lip.
[10:54] Fā-Le Yán: Naked Time.
[10:54] Fā-Le Yán: TOS I know.
[10:54] Johyn: "The Wolf in the Fold," story of RedJack in outer space.
[10:54] Fā-Le Yán: This new-fangled stuff is for you kids.
[10:54] Fā-Le YánFā-Le Yán giggles.
[10:55] Steve Atlanta: she says she is NOT a kid, shes 24
[10:55] Marc Seven: well all these modern toys were a dream boosted by Star Trek
[10:55] Steve Atlanta: she is ready for more thoughts on good Trek settings
[10:56] Johyn: "The Ultimate Computer," for the story of a great idea of government that is absolute power.
[10:56] Johyn: Was about communism.
[10:56] Steve Atlanta: she loves the idea of Trek technology coming into reality
[10:56] Marc Seven: GM have some projects of teleport materials but the results are only chemically similar, the form still far to be reintegrated correctly
[10:56] Steve Atlanta: except the agony booth!
[10:57] Beeflin Grut: Oh I know
[10:57] Beeflin Grut: I liked the stories WHERE PICARD JOINED THE BORG
[10:57] Steve Atlanta: she especially hates Hitler
[10:57] Beeflin Grut: oops caps
[10:58] Starr Jetaime: sorry i need to leave. it is bed time. byeeeeeeeee
[10:58] Beeflin Grut: I'll remember to do that!
[10:58] Johyn: Bye Starr
[10:58] Marc Seven: I love the leadership samples we see in Allegiance and Darmok
[10:58] Beeflin Grut: oh OK
[10:58] Beeflin Grut: will do :)
[10:58] Steve Atlanta: she is intrigued by First Contact episodes
[10:59] Steve Atlanta: oops
[10:59] ..::K::..: Pardon. I need to tuck her in. Ritual. brb
[10:59] Steve Atlanta: First Contact the movie
[10:59] Marc Seven: the episode is also very funny
[10:59] Steve Atlanta: she wants now to know your favorite series
[10:59] Fā-Le Yán: Star Trek series only?
[10:59] Johyn: the original The Outer Limits. because of it's groundbreaking material and scripts.
[10:59] Beeflin Grut: Definitely TOS - I found TNG rather to psychotherapy-orientated :)
[10:59] Marc Seven: the next generation made me better organization of my trekker life
[11:00] Johyn: Oh yes. That was the name. Dagger of the Mind. Great episode. Loved Van Gelder.
[11:00] Marc Seven: the moder diplomacy concepts out of the cold war climate are quite better to a peaceful and evolved future
[11:00] Steve Atlanta: she says that Fan serous explored the episode "Dagger of the Mind"
[11:01] Beeflin Grut: Not much no :)
[11:01] Beeflin Grut: maybe DS9
[11:01] Marc Seven: voyager = excellent
[11:01] Johyn: Liked Enterpise and Voyager.
[11:01] Fā-Le Yán: I loved Janeway.
[11:01] Johyn: DS9 was political.
[11:01] Beeflin Grut: yeah she's cool
[11:01] Johyn: TNG was very commercial.
[11:01] Marc Seven: but I feel TNG as the base Voyager firmed on
[11:01] Steve Atlanta: she didn't care for DS9
[11:01] Johyn: yes
[11:01] Debbydo: i'm sorry I have to leave as i need to be rescued by Klingons
[11:02] Marc Seven: I saw and I have EVERY single episode of all series and movies
[11:02] Debbydo: bye and thank you
[11:02] Marc Seven: :-)
[11:02] Fā-Le YánFā-Le Yán giggles.
[11:02] Steve Atlanta: she is pleased that Marc saw them all
[11:02] Steve Atlanta: she now asks what is your favorite character?
[11:02] Johyn: Scotty, his love of technology.
[11:02] Marc Seven: I would love to because I am late
[11:03] Johyn: Spock, his personal duel and true sense of humor.
[11:03] Johyn: *humor
[11:03] Kirk Wingtips: i didn't record it
[11:03] Marc Seven: It's delicious to use the dry humor sense of the Vulcans in RL
[11:03] Steve Atlanta: she loves how Scotty treated the Enterprise like a Southern Belle
[11:04] Beeflin Grut: Spock and Kirk as a double-act
[11:04] Johyn: Nimoy has so much going on. Always has.
[11:04] Johyn: Yes, i think Quinto will.
[11:04] Steve Atlanta: she loves the dry Vulcan sense of Humor
[11:04] Johyn: Quinto is the one who convinced Nimoy to come do the movie.
[11:04] Johyn: Nimoy wasn't going to do it.
[11:04] Steve Atlanta: she wonders about Kirks ego
[11:05] Johyn: Quinto convinced him.
[11:05] Steve Atlanta: Shatner's ego'
[11:05] Johyn: Well, Nimoy is a much better actor.
[11:05] Johyn: Yes, he did.
[11:05] Marc Seven: minus 10 points to Shatner
[11:05] Steve Atlanta: she noted how popular Nimoy was
[11:05] Marc Seven: hehe
[11:05] Johyn: Also, recall any episode that Spock was not in? Only two and they sucked.
[11:06] Johyn: None that I have seen.
[11:06] Steve Atlanta: she asks, would any stories from SL Trek make good fan stories?
[11:06] Marc Seven: My lunar base itself is a nice story I think
[11:06] Johyn: I have proposed some RPs to some sims. But, gone into the weather, somewhere.
[11:06] Steve Atlanta: she says "cool"
[11:07] Johyn: Probably because they were "too cerebral" without enough "let's just shoot them."
[11:07] Beeflin Grut: Do a story with some Companions in it!
[11:07] Fā-Le YánFā-Le Yán grins.
[11:07] Johyn: I have been told that the sl rprs prefer the shot-em-ups rather than a story.
[11:08] Johyn: Oh yes.
[11:08] LeighAnn Arianne Mantis: EXERCISE # 1: Make a new notecard and write at least three proper sentences describing yourself as if Starfleet were real and you were in it; you can be creative, but keep it clean and have it make sense....you can put yourself in any role you want, but have the description to back it up.....describe time period, location, etc.
[11:08] Johyn: Spock. Definitely.
[11:08] Steve Atlanta: she asks, what would it be like to be a Star Trek character?
[11:08] Beeflin Grut: got it
[11:08] Marc Seven: I am writing a book about Marc Seven's people
[11:08] Marc Seven: the Advvirians
[11:08] Steve Atlanta: I was asked to do that when I was in UFS
[11:10] Steve Atlanta: Steve Atlanta, born of civilians on the Starbase 74 population, loved to watch ships dock as a boy, joined a Starship engineering team as a teenager, then studied Engineering in college
[11:10] LeighAnn Arianne Mantis: EXERCISE # 2: If you want to, share your description and also introduce yourself and tell why you love Trek; nobody will judge you!
[11:10] Beeflin Grut: I would be the ace pilot of very small very fast ship. A girl in every port and a dab hand at micro-electronics, ready to repair stuff for people. Involved in an odd plotline about yetis.
[11:11] Beeflin Grut: aww I'm shy
[11:11] Steve Atlanta: went engineering tack, then assisted in the Galaxy Class starship, was aksed to serbve as XO on a starship, then when the Captain retired became Captain
[11:11] Beeflin Grut: I will do what the lady says, she's so persuasive
[11:11] Marc Seven: The Advirian people was originally a colony that leaved Earth in the year 2077 and once reached a mysterious planet the were suddenly sent 7000 thousand years in the past
[11:11] Marc Seven: Marc Seven is a descendant of that people
[11:12] Steve Atlanta: she asks were you in 5000 BC?
[11:12] Marc Seven: he ran away from there in 2236
[11:12] Marc Seven: was found by Starfleet
[11:12] Johyn: Share?
[11:13] Marc Seven: and today he commands the first temporal away post hidden on the moon
[11:13] Beeflin Grut: got mine rewritten :)
[11:13] Steve Atlanta: awesome Marc
[11:13] Beeflin Grut: I am the ace pilot of the Dragonfly, the first Warp 20 class singleship. I have a girl in every port and I'm a dab hand at micro-electronics, ready to repair stuff for people. I've heard there are yetis on Gargantua 5, so I'm gonna take my video camera and see what I can find.
[11:13] Marc Seven: the book still in progress :-)
[11:13] Steve Atlanta: hee hee
[11:13] Beeflin GrutBeeflin Grut giggles
[11:13] Steve Atlanta: Yetis
[11:13] Marc Seven: warp 20~
[11:13] Johyn: Exercise #1: I am Sybok and feel your pain, but cannot take it from you unless you allow. My brother (grin)... Spock, knows me. And I know him. We are both, in kind, outcasts in our own way. Our paths must diverge. My nature calls me away.
[11:13] Fā-Le Yán: Citlalmina Serrano, born in the barrios of Los Angeles, joined the Fleet to escape, retired twenty years later as a Commander, promptly hired back in as a civilian contractor, now a department head in highly technical R&D lab on some nameless moon.
[11:14] Steve Atlanta: she loves them saying you all are very creative]
[11:14] Fā-Le Yán: We can't all travel the galaxies seducing the green guys and gals.
[11:15] Steve Atlanta: she asks can we write a fan fiction based on what we've written
[11:15] Johyn: Certainly. i write.
[11:15] Steve Atlanta: a great idea
[11:15] Johyn: But, I feel that Star Trek is limiting in technology.
[11:15] Steve Atlanta: she says you can make new technology in fan fiction
[11:16] Johyn: The starships all remind me of cars and jets. Not FTL ships.
[11:16] Marc Seven: Treknology will always have limits
[11:16] Beeflin Grut: you know how they named new machines - leave blanks in the script and then dream up some nonsense word at a final script session
[11:16] Beeflin Grut: really
[11:16] Marc Seven: I have one
[11:16] Beeflin Grut: so go for it!
[11:16] Johyn: Phaser gun.
[11:16] Johyn: "What Little Girls Are Made OF"
[11:17] Marc Seven: do you think that the particular life of the actor may have any influence with how we see Spock for instance?
[11:17] Steve Atlanta: Marc your question?
[11:17] Johyn: Also a great episode.
[11:17] Marc Seven: yes
[11:17] Marc Seven: that affected Sulu
[11:17] Marc Seven: no
[11:17] Marc Seven: I am not
[11:17] Johyn: Did not affect my view.
[11:17] Marc Seven: but we see a lot of jokes
[11:17] Johyn: DeForest Kelly, also.
[11:17] Steve Atlanta: she says we must not be homophobic
[11:18] Johyn: So what?
[11:18] Marc Seven: since Mr Quinto made his statement
[11:18] Johyn: Ok.
[11:18] Marc Seven: yes
[11:18] Johyn: Let us just say open minded.
[11:18] Steve Atlanta: she says DeForest Kelly was happily married
[11:18] Beeflin Grut: it's only Sulu who's come out isn't it? anyway it's more important who's gay in the story?
[11:18] Johyn: "Gay" is a very limited term.
[11:18] Fā-Le Yán: Dee Kelly was true gentleman. My favorite actor; I looked forward to meeting him every time. And I can assure you that he liked girls.
[11:18] Steve Atlanta: she says in her story Spck and Uhura and still involved in a relationship
[11:19] Marc Seven: and Sulu has a daughter
[11:19] Johyn: Truly. Agreed.
[11:19] Marc Seven: aye
[11:19] Beeflin Grut: I'm not sure there's been any bigotry?
[11:19] Marc Seven: sorry for for asking
[11:19] Steve Atlanta: she says she disapproves of homophobia and bigotry
[11:19] Johyn: I'm an artist from way back. Art is art.
[11:19] Steve Atlanta: Hi Cats
[11:19] Marc Seven: hello Cats
[11:19] catseye Fride: hi man
[11:19] Johyn: Besides, Sulu was one of my favorite starship captains.
[11:20] Steve Atlanta: she asks if anyone has read the story yet?
[11:20] Johyn: He and Janeway.
[11:20] Johyn: He was captain of the Excelsior.
[11:20] Steve Atlanta: she says Sulu is still at Helm in her story
[11:20] Marc Seven: you are talking about the new timeline right?
[11:20] Johyn: The film about the assassination of the president
[11:20] catseye Fride: sorry just got here haven't read it, but a relationship between Spock and Uhuora nice twist
[11:20] Marc Seven: ok
[11:21] catseye Fride: ahh
[11:21] Marc Seven: is that any explanation why the new enterprise has so many warpcores?
[11:21] Steve Atlanta: she says there was a start of a relationship between Spock and Uhura in the Star Trek 2009 movie
[11:21] Steve Atlanta: she asks are there any other questions?
[11:22] Johyn: Do you have a favorite episode?
[11:22] Beeflin Grut: favourite character?
[11:22] Steve Atlanta: she says "No I do not, theres so many she cant pick between them"
[11:22] catseye Fride: yeah it would be hard to chose
[11:23] Marc Seven: the original Kirk disobeyed orders to save Spock and got downgraded, will Kirk 2.0 do even worse?
[11:23] Marc Seven: hehe
[11:23] Johyn: lol!
[11:23] Steve Atlanta: she says she made Kirk do MUCH worse
[11:24] Beeflin Grut: Kirk disobeys the Prime Directive SO many times by getting involved with native woman
[11:24] Johyn: Kirk wrote the Prime Directive. he can do what he wants. lol
[11:24] Beeflin Grut: women
[11:24] catseye Fride: lol
[11:24] Steve Atlanta: she laughs
[11:24] Johyn: Hmmm.
[11:24] Johyn: OK> Must be in error. hmmm....
[11:24] catseye Fride: kirk allways did what he needed to get the job done
[11:24] Steve Atlanta: she syas you really need to read her story
[11:25] Steve Atlanta: Kirk is not himself in the story
[11:25] Marc Seven: how can I read it?
[11:25] Beeflin Grut: Please excuse me. I have to go and read a story! to my daughter at bedtime :-)
[11:25] Steve Atlanta: I will send you a notecard
[11:25] Beeflin Grut: thanks. this has been very entertaining!
[11:25] Fā-Le Yán: ¡Ahí nos vemos!
[11:26] Marc Seven: I will read it carefully :-)
[11:26] Marc Seven: thanks
[11:26] catseye Fride: brbv
[11:26] Steve Atlanta: she says the Notecard is a link and a brief explanation, please READ the story and give her reviews
[11:27] Johyn: Yes.
[11:27] Marc Seven: ME
[11:27] Marc Seven: saw them all
[11:27] Marc Seven: EXCELLENT
[11:27] Steve Atlanta: she asks has anyone heard of "Star Trek the new Voyages"?
[11:28] Marc Seven: yes
[11:28] Steve Atlanta: she says James Cawley has a Star Trek set and is making more Trek episodes
[11:28] catseye Fride: back
[11:28] Marc Seven: he even got George Takei and Walter Koenig in 2 episodes
[11:28] Steve Atlanta: she says Google Star Trek New Voyages" by James Cawley
[11:28] LeighAnn Arianne Mantis: cawley
[11:28] Steve Atlanta: Cawley
[11:29] Marc Seven: James Crawley
[11:29] Marc Seven: a new Star Trek Hero
[11:29] Johyn: Well, Shatner proved he could stretch his acting a bit.
[11:29] Steve Atlanta: they have nice episodes
[11:29] Marc Seven: impressive CGI
[11:29] Steve Atlanta: she says the good episode is called "In harms way"
[11:30] Marc Seven: the Sulu episode always bring me tears
[11:30] Steve Atlanta: thats the pilot episode
[11:30] Steve Atlanta: also features Captain Pike
[11:30] Johyn: Very impressive.
[11:30] Steve Atlanta: and Talos IV
[11:30] Marc Seven: show the very incident that cripples Pike too
[11:31] Johyn: wow
[11:31] Marc Seven: spoiling...
[11:31] Marc Seven: :-D
[11:31] Johyn: Sounds very excellent.
[11:31] Marc Seven: me
[11:31] Marc Seven: I AM
[11:31] Marc Seven: not you
[11:31] Steve Atlanta: maybe we need a link to this show?
[11:31] Marc Seven: yes
[11:31] Marc Seven: Chekov
[11:31] Marc Seven: yes
[11:32] Marc Seven: my favourite
[11:32] Steve Atlanta: she says theres many cool episodes dealing with interesting subjects
[11:33] Johyn: yes, please.
[11:33] LeighAnn Arianne Mantis: http://www.startreknewvoyages.com/
[11:33] Johyn: yes. facebook.
[11:34] Marc Seven: http://www.startreknewvoyages.com/
[11:34] Steve Atlanta: tell them Heather Cameron sent you
[11:35] Johyn: I heard of these when they began as comic books.
[11:35] Steve Atlanta: also she says check out "Star Trek Excalibur"
[11:35] Marc Seven: I saw them too
[11:35] Marc Seven: many action
[11:35] Johyn: Those were all comic book titles before ST:TNG
[11:35] Marc Seven: well done
[11:35] Steve Atlanta: they had sets but they were destroyed unexpectedly
[11:35] Steve Atlanta: they need donations
[11:36] LeighAnn Arianne Mantis: http://www.startrekexcalibur.org/
[11:36] Marc Seven: there is Star Trek - Phoenix too
[11:36] Marc Seven: yes please!
[11:36] Steve Atlanta: she made a little video about it
[11:36] Marc Seven: I saw the pilot curious
[11:36] Steve Atlanta: asking for donations
[11:37] Marc Seven: interesting technology
[11:37] Steve Atlanta: tell them Heather Cameron sent you
[11:37] Marc Seven: please I would like to see the video
[11:37] LeighAnn Arianne Mantis: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfORMzIueGY
[11:37] Johyn: I have to ask a personal question, if I may. Are you related to the Director James Cameron, whom I admire very much?
[11:37] Steve Atlanta: Star Trek Excelsior
[11:37] Marc Seven: I saw many episodes of The Hidden Frontier
[11:38] Steve Atlanta: she has no idea if she's related
[11:38] Marc Seven: an away post of Federation made to protect the Baku
[11:38] Johyn: That would be wonderful.
[11:38] Johyn: You have reason to believe that you might be? :)
[11:38] Marc Seven: yes!!!!
[11:38] catseye Fride: nope
[11:38] Johyn: Hmm. No.
[11:38] Marc Seven: excellent Story!!!
[11:38] Steve Atlanta: she mentions Star Trek of Gods and Men
[11:38] Marc Seven: yessss!!!!!
[11:38] Johyn: I wrote one "When Gods answer."
[11:38] Steve Atlanta: it has Charlie X in it
[11:38] Johyn: Yes, Charlie X.
[11:39] Marc Seven: Charlie T terminator
[11:39] Steve Atlanta: he goes to the Guardian of Forever and goes back in time and murders Kirks mother so Kirk doesn't exist
[11:39] Johyn: Strange.
[11:39] Steve Atlanta: and everything is different
[11:39] Marc Seven: yes
[11:40] Marc Seven: Uhura living in Vulcan
[11:40] Marc Seven: hehe
[11:40] Marc Seven: sorry!
[11:40] Steve Atlanta: http://startrekofgodsandmen.com/main/
[11:40] Marc Seven: that's not crucial
[11:40] Johyn: hahahahaha!
[11:40] Johyn: you're kidding! hahaha
[11:41] Johyn: that is so very funny
[11:41] Marc Seven: Star Trek - The Hidden Frontier
[11:41] Marc Seven: many seasons
[11:41] Marc Seven: 10 min episodes
[11:41] Marc Seven: about a starbase near the Baku Planet
[11:41] Steve Atlanta: she says look at Star Trek Excalibur and tell them Heather Cameron sent you
[11:42] Steve Atlanta: and also the Phase 2
[11:42] Steve Atlanta: ((notecards sent))
[11:42] Marc Seven: can we consider Tripping the Riff a Star trek spin off? (shields)
[11:43] Steve Atlanta: she has another question
[11:43] Steve Atlanta: could Trek Creators have done anything differtnet?
[11:43] catseye Fride: yes
[11:43] Steve Atlanta: different? for Movies OR TV series
[11:43] Johyn: Stopped trying to stick to the theory of one timeline.
[11:43] catseye Fride: the enterprise series
[11:43] Marc Seven: I think they did, but did not made success
[11:44] Steve Atlanta: please type your messages to her she cant hear that well
[11:44] Johyn: hahaha
[11:44] Steve Atlanta: her computer is a piece of crap
[11:44] catseye Fride: it had good actors but they didn't explore everything that they could making most of the show boring
[11:45] Marc Seven: compared to Voyager's all computers on 21 century is worse than that
[11:45] Steve Atlanta: she liked the romance between T'Pol and Trip
[11:45] Fā-Le Yán: Please excuse me. I need to feed my family ... thank you, Leigh Ann!
[11:45] Steve Atlanta: T Pal
[11:45] Fā-Le YánFā-Le Yán makes a deep curtsy.
[11:45] Steve Atlanta: she asks "anything else"?
[11:46] Steve Atlanta: I want a cell phone thats like a TOS communicator
[11:47] Johyn: I used to have a great deal, but lost to several home burglaries. Oh well. RL goes on. :)
[11:47] Marc Seven: My Iphone is totally LCARS
[11:47] Steve Atlanta: she has MANY things, like a flip phone and such
[11:47] Marc Seven: I have the nemesis uniform
[11:47] Steve Atlanta: 'she says she is a techno moron
[11:47] Marc Seven: the white one
[11:47] Steve Atlanta: she sadly cant afford a uniform
[11:48] Marc Seven: and made here in Russia the red uniform Data is using in Star Trek Countdown
[11:48] Marc Seven: Like this I am using now
[11:48] Steve Atlanta: She once looked at a new phone and...got overwhelmed
[11:48] Steve Atlanta: she panicked and started crying
[11:48] Marc Seven: patience
[11:48] Johyn: hahaha! me too! And i used to design computers! hahaha
[11:48] Johyn: I just need a damn phone!
[11:48] Johyn: hahhaha
[11:48] Steve Atlanta: she thinks new technology has hurt communications so much
[11:48] Marc Seven: all you need is to not give up
[11:49] Marc Seven: the details are absorbed one by one
[11:49] JohynJohyn thinks you, Heather, are a lot smarter than you believe, or let on. :)
[11:49] Steve Atlanta: she asks any questions or comments?
[11:49] Marc Seven: working on one as I said
[11:49] Johyn: Nope. Listening and reading this chat.
[11:49] Marc Seven: I will, that's a promise
[11:49] catseye Fride: like the phaser on my hip made it myself lol
[11:50] JohynJohyn has a one-track brain... trips trying to chew gum walking.
[11:50] Marc Seven: I wish to thank you for the opportunity to be here
[11:50] catseye Fride: fully sculpted
[11:50] catseye Fride: thanks
[11:50] Marc Seven: phaser?
[11:50] catseye Fride: no darlin not you
[11:50] Steve Atlanta: she says his phaser is very good but please don't shoot
[11:50] Marc Seven: draw
[11:50] Johyn: close cam, that is a very well done phaser.
[11:51] catseye Fride: thanks
[11:51] Johyn: yw
[11:51] Steve Atlanta: good panel Leighann but now Im ready for lunch lool
[11:51] Marc Seven: this baby can explode Borgs in one shot
[11:51] Marc Seven: hehe
[11:51] Marc Seven: sling
[11:51] Johyn: Did you design that avatar to resemble yourself RL?
[11:51] Johyn: Very cool. lol
[11:52] Steve Atlanta: I can only say I appreciate you writing that story I will read it soon and enjoy it
[11:52] Johyn: And not styled like Yeoman Rand?
[11:52] Johyn: Yes. :)
[11:52] Steve Atlanta: she also says she enjoys SL as an outlet to be herself
[11:52] Marc Seven: your victories are an inspiration for all of us
[11:52] Marc Seven: I am glad to be here
[11:52] Steve Atlanta: and SL is good for people with disabilities
[11:53] Johyn: Well, you are articulate and literate. I feel to wish to dismiss your self-depreciation.
[11:53] Johyn: I think you are wonderful as you are and not compare to others.
[11:53] Steve Atlanta: your ok sweetie
[11:53] Johyn: Ok.
[11:53] Marc Seven: I did not know, you are my new hero
[11:53] Johyn: Thank goodness for the great future you make for yourself.
[11:53] Johyn: Yes.
[11:53] Steve Atlanta: she says she tries to focus on her strengths
[11:54] catseye Fride: yep thats why there is a mute button in sl lol
[11:54] Marc Seven: excellent
[11:54] Marc Seven: >>> BRRRRAVOOO!!!!!! <<<<
[11:54] Steve Atlanta: and sometimes needs new environment sometimes
[11:54] Johyn: You are strong and very brilliant, to me, in many ways.
[11:54] Johyn: Creativity is a great gift.
[11:54] Steve Atlanta: I can only say to you
[11:54] Marc Seven: this was my first
[11:54] Steve Atlanta: "Live long and prosper"
[11:54] Marc Seven: loved it
[11:55] Johyn: But, you are prettier and at least as charming as Gene. :)
[11:55] Steve Atlanta: she wants to do another Panel
[11:55] Kirk Wingtips: we can have you do more panels at the convention in June
[11:55] Johyn: You are only 24. Maybe you will.
[11:55] Johyn: RUN!
[11:55] Steve Atlanta: She feels older than she is
[11:55] catseye Fride: lol i know that feeling
[11:55] Johyn: be glad that you still have time. you are using it wisely.
[11:56] Steve Atlanta: she doesn't fit well with younger crowd
[11:56] Johyn: There you go! :)
[11:56] Marc Seven: patience and no give up
[11:56] catseye Fride: hay I have never fit in, just fo what you need to darling
[11:56] Marc Seven: and
[11:56] Johyn: An old soul. :)
[11:56] Marc Seven: you have fans now
[11:56] Marc Seven: ME!
[11:56] Steve Atlanta: she feels like an "old soul"
[11:56] Marc Seven: no one can force me to do anything
[11:56] Marc Seven: and I am your fan now
[11:57] Johyn: Really?
[11:57] Johyn: Thank you for mentioning that.
[11:57] Marc Seven: wow
[11:57] Steve Atlanta: she also put together the UFS Delta Communicator which comes out every 2 months
[11:57] Marc Seven: S U R E
[11:57] Johyn: I know of it, but did not subscribe. Now, i will.
[11:57] Steve Atlanta: Zania Turner is her assistant
[11:57] Steve Atlanta: we will be ending soon
[11:58] Marc Seven: another excellent trekker
[11:58] Steve Atlanta: we went 2 hours
[11:58] Steve Atlanta: she says that amazing
[11:58] Marc Seven: 2 hours are too few of you
[11:58] Marc Seven: see? you have much more to offer
[11:58] Johyn: Wonderful talk. Thank you so much again. :)
[11:58] Johyn: applause.
[11:59] Steve Atlanta: She says "Liver Long and prosper, Peace and Long life, and enjoy that story she wrote!"
[11:59] Johyn: Thank you.
[11:59] Steve Atlanta: The End
[11:59] Steve Atlanta: ♪♪♪♪♫♫♫♫ APPPPPPPLLLLAAAUUUSSSSEEEEEEE♪♪♪♪♫♫♫♫
[11:59] Marc Seven: thank YOU for so nice moments
[11:59] Johyn: Good day, Heather.
[11:59] Johyn: And happy yuletide.
[11:59] LeighAnn Arianne Mantis: *smiles and nods*
[11:59] catseye Fride: thank for putting up with me
[11:59] catseye Fride: ;p;
[11:59] catseye Fride: lol
[11:59] Johyn: hahaha
[12:00] LeighAnn Arianne Mantis: it was a pleasure
[12:00] Steve Atlanta: yayyyyyyy!!!
[12:00] Steve Atlanta: thnx Leighann for all the links lotsa good stuff!@
[12:00] Steve Atlanta: I need head back to sim now cya
[12:00] Steve Atlanta: B-bye!!! :D
[12:00] Johyn: Yes. We are fotunate to have you talk with us.

About Me

I have had so many different experiences in my life and many were so meaningful that I decided to keep a record of them.