In response to Frankie's DISGUSTING behavior:
This is NOT acceptable behavior even on a show like Big Brother; since when did it become acceptable to producers and other houseguests to threaten or joke about threatening the safety of another Houseguest?
In past seasons, when Houseguests made comments that threatened another Houseguest's safety or did things that actively threatened another Houseguest's safety, they were either called to the Diary Room and expelled by or given a warning as to that being the consequence for any future inappropriate behavior! I read this article and it's like everyone went 'meh' over something extremely serious and inappropriate!
Why would ANYONE want to be in a house or fans of a game that ignores very serious things like this? Has rape suddenly become something cool enough to joke about? I shouldn't think so and I am APPALLED that NOTHING was done about this either inside or out of the house. Joking about raping someone is a criminal offense and Frankie could be criminally charged for his 'joke.'
Oh, and in response to Derrick's
disgusting support of the disgusting behavior? According to his bio, he
is a COP; someone who is sworn to uphold and defend the law. A cop needs
to have a certain amount of dignity and respect for others NO MATTER
WHAT simply because that is part of the oath one takes when they become a
I mean, it's bad enough when regular people do that sort of stuff on TV, but when an officer of the law, who people are supposed to trust with their safety and lives, pulls that kind of behavior, is he really worthy of being allowed to return to his job as a cop when this whole game is over? I'm not really sure he should be allowed to.
This is what corrupt media does to our society; it desensitizes people to the point where EVERYTHING is in the gray area and black and white barely exist. Is this what the future of the world is? Do we want to live in a world where there is no such thing as boundaries, morals, or a sense of right and wrong?
Okay, seriously, if I would have heard a joke like that, I would have slapped the Christmas out of the person saying it and/or given them major crap for it. The whole thing crossed the line and yes, I'm sure there are/will be those who consider it a joke and laugh it off, but try and put yourselves and/or your loved ones in the shoes of those whom the jokes were directed to. How would you feel and how do you think they would feel?
***I mean, it's bad enough when regular people do that sort of stuff on TV, but when an officer of the law, who people are supposed to trust with their safety and lives, pulls that kind of behavior, is he really worthy of being allowed to return to his job as a cop when this whole game is over? I'm not really sure he should be allowed to.
This is what corrupt media does to our society; it desensitizes people to the point where EVERYTHING is in the gray area and black and white barely exist. Is this what the future of the world is? Do we want to live in a world where there is no such thing as boundaries, morals, or a sense of right and wrong?
Okay, seriously, if I would have heard a joke like that, I would have slapped the Christmas out of the person saying it and/or given them major crap for it. The whole thing crossed the line and yes, I'm sure there are/will be those who consider it a joke and laugh it off, but try and put yourselves and/or your loved ones in the shoes of those whom the jokes were directed to. How would you feel and how do you think they would feel?
Please express your thoughts about what I've said, but please don't cuss in the comments.