Friday, September 29, 2017

We Need to Act More Christian

I love being in Utah and I love seeing all the people and places that matter to me, but I am not happy with how a lot of people who profess to be good Mormons routinely march down the street in their splendor and make a sport out of mocking the homeless and acting as if they don't exist.

At times, I got tired from walking around, so I sat down on nice flower boxes to rest and I got looks of disgust from people because they thought that I was also homeless. I would try and say hi to my fellow Mormons while I was sitting down and I would get looks of disgust, nasty comments, or people would look past me as if I didn't exist.

Those who profess their belief in God do so only with their mouths and do not show it in their everyday countenance nor do they wear their hearts filled with kindness on their sleeves as Christ has asked of us. I made a little video of my observations of this unChristlike behavior and I hope people watch it and learn how to become better:

About Me

I have had so many different experiences in my life and many were so meaningful that I decided to keep a record of them.