Thursday, August 14, 2008

Importance of Education and balancing it with Parenthood

It's important to continue education to gain more skills which will open new doors of opportunity. It's also good to continually practice and update your skills so that you can keep up with the pace of your chosen career.

Working hard to keep your skills finely tuned will help your career in the long run. When things are different from what you know, no matter what your age is, go back to school and take courses to help you update your skills & knowledge.

However, if you have the opportunity to become a spouse and someday parent, don't choose a career over parenthood, as it will be the biggest mistake of your life. Being a spouse and parent, although I am not yet one myself, is a career in itself. Co-existing with a spouse, something I don't know about yet, is work!!!!

Also, when you and said spouse have children, it is one big project raising them and ensuring that they have the proper knowledge and wisdom to make their own choices. Future parents can't control their kids' choices, as much as they would like to, it doesn't work. You gain education while being married and having kids, in case you didn't know.

A balance of up-to-date education and parenthood is important, as circumstances may make it so you have to work and raise kids.

If your significant other was rendered incapable, killed, or unemployed, the burden of providing would fall all on you (cause I doubt many young parents would have kids who are of the working age, but if they do, put them to work at a paying job if it's legal, don't let them bum around the house.)

Lots of education is also important in case that you don't get married or have kids. It will give you a purpose in life and constant goals to work towards.

When, whether or not you're alone or attached, you don't take the time to work or go to school, your life is less exciting and your career opportunities are limited as employers want people who are educated and skilled enough to know what they are doing!

You can take job training programs, proper ones, or other programs that will teach you about things you might not know. However, school is important as it teaches you how to interact and deal with people and situations on a daily basis.(that is what the majority of the workplace is these days, even when working on computers)

There you have it (I'm not going to say more or go into specifics, as it would take forever) Take advantage of education if you can and if you can't, learn what are called "street skills" so that you can gain new knowledge and wisdom.

However, street skills will only take you so far...Education is the key to growth and understanding.

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About Me

I have had so many different experiences in my life and many were so meaningful that I decided to keep a record of them.